Chapter 32

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Rohan's POV

4 months later...

It's been just 4 months but it already feels like 4 decades have passed. So much happened and so much still to take care of. I don't know what I have done or am doing is good enough but I have tried my best to overcome all the shit I have been doing for so long and especially what I did in last year.

I have been to court more than I was at home. But I am glad I have people by my side who didn't let me go through anything alone. Arjun has been here most of the time taking care of everything with Raghav. I have troubled them more than anyone else. But I still didn't thank any of them and I guess I don't have to as they know it already. Speaking out my feeling has always been the toughest task for me.

About the girls, Arohi and Ahana keep calling me every now and then for lecturing me over anything and everything. But the worst is when those two call me when they are together. Trust me I just hear the stuff they say because I don't even get a chance to speak anything. I smiled thinking about them. But trust me, they are the ones who make me face my reality and yet keep me motivated.

Arohi and I have grown closer. She is my 'go-to person' when I'm low and when I really need someone to open up to.

Professionally, I didn't do anything new yet. I am too busy getting recovered and restoring myself mentally. And now I have to do the most difficult task of my life till now. For which I have been preparing myself for so long but I still don't think I am ready for it yet. And I know I will never be. So I just decided to do it anyway than wasting furthermore time. It's time for me to go to India and meet the person who hates me the most in the world.

I let out a deep breath closing my eyes.

"Nervous?" Arjun asked sitting beside me on the stool. We were sitting in the bar right now. We have booked a flight to India tonight, just the thought of that builds up tension in my stomach.

I nodded looking at Arjun and gave him a faint smile. Arjun chuckled at me and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Don't worry. It's gonna be alright." He said holding my shoulder tightly. I didn't say anything for some time and kept looking at the counter before me.

"I am scared," I said and looked at Arjun, "I don't want to do this, Arjun."

"Don't be stupid, Rohan. She won't kill you." Arjun said pouring the drink into his glass.

"Even if she does, who cares." Raghav came and sat on my other side. I heard Arjun chuckle at him. I glared at Raghav who was smiling stupidly looking at me.

"I guess Arohi will care the most," Arjun said giving me a teasing smile. Raghav chuckled at that.

"What is wrong with you guys? What are you? In college?" I asked being irritated with the continuous teasing of these two assholes for the past few months. And not just these boys but even the girls, Ahana and Jenny aren't bad at this either.

"But anyway, did you asked her?" Arjun asked taking the glass to his mouth. 

"About what?" I said in a low voice looking at my hands.

"About the weather in India," Raghav said rolling his eyes. I glared at him again while Arjun chucked again.

"No, I didn't," I said being annoyed at both of them.

"No, but seriously," Arjun said after few moments of silence getting serious.

"Let me just settle the first thing I have in my hand. Then I will think about it." I said sighing. 

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