Chapter 29

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Arohi's POV

It is so weird how it feels so vacate when someone leaves. I was so used to Ahana and Arjun's presence that the entire house feels so empty without them. It has been a couple of days since they left but I miss them too much.

But I am in a happy space that Rohan is at least moving forward now. Though nothing much has changed still I am seeing so much hope now. He still doesn't talk to me much but that is not my main concern right now. I just want to see him in a better place.

I took a deep breath and took a mug from the cupboard. It was past 12 and sleep still seemed to be far away. I tried sleeping in every possible part of the bed but nope! That was of no help. So, I thought of making coffee for myself as I was craving for one. It was kind of peaceful in the kitchen at this hour, mainly because the house was asleep. I kept the light in the kitchen dimmed as the moonlight from outside did half of their job. The familiar silence wrapped around me making me miss my home. I looked out of the window into the moonlit night as I missed my home and my family.

It was then I heard footsteps, so I looked up to see Rohan walking toward me in the kitchen. I gave him a smile to which he didn't react much and diverted his gaze.

"At least smile," I said in a complaining tone as I poured the coffee into my mug. He stood in front of me on the other side of the counter, his hands resting on the edge of the counter.

He looked at the cup in my hand as I stirred the coffee, mixing sugar.

"What are you doing?" He asked with a troubled face. I rolled my eyes at him.

"What do you think?" I asked raising my eyebrow at him. It was his turn to roll his eyes.

"Who drinks coffee when they can't sleep? It will make you more awake." He said stating the fact. I gave him an impressed look.

"That is fine with me. I am craving for one." I said shrugging my shoulders, "And I guess I will have a company today." I finished winking at him.

Rohan shook his head a bit and let out a sigh.

"So you really are a vampire. You don't sleep too." I said giving him a sly smile. He looked at me completely annoyed. I let out a laugh.

"Do you want some? I can make you one too." I asked. He stared at the mug for some time before looking back at me.

"Umm... Do you..." He started nervously and averted his gaze from me.

"Hmm...?" I asked as I took a sip from my coffee. A small smile found its way to my face enjoying his nervous state.

"Do you... by any chance..." He continued looking everywhere but me that made me smile wider. But I tried hard to suppress it, "Umm... want to..."

"Want to what?" I asked trying hard to hide my smile. He looked adorable as he ran his hand through his hair.

"I am going out as it's suffocating me here." He finally said leaving that topic and starting a new one.

"Oh okay." I said giving him a teasing smile as I went ahead, "So you are asking me to come along?"

Rohan still didn't look at me and turned around as he started walking.

"Maybe..." He said and stopped to drink water at the dining area, "It's fine if you don't want to."

"Hey..." I said putting the cup on the counter and moved towards him, "Wait for me. Let me change at least."

"And take something warm with you. I don't have a jacket to lend you." He said putting the glass down on the table after drinking water and looked at me.

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