Chapter 28

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Arohi's POV

I have always loved early mornings. It's beginning of a new day with new hope. It's like another chance to start fresh. There's something incredibly amazing about morning, wheater it be the birds chirping, sunlight peeking through the trees, the cool breeze, the blooming flowers with dewdrops on them, everything looks beautiful and peaceful. I smiled to myself as I took a sip from my morning coffee, sitting in the backyard viewing the garden. It all gave me some kind of feelings which I can't express. It made me happy and gave me the courage and hope to go through the whole day no matter how bad it will be.

Just how Rohan gave me so many hopes with a mere apology. I saw a ray of light in this dark forest. I know people must be thinking that I am crazy, that I don't have any self-respect. And trust me I had this debate with myself if what I did was right or not. But then I let it slide and trust his words again. 

Rohan has never misbehaved with me and what he did that night wasn't him. He looked guilty the other day else he would have never apologized to me. He did a mistake and he accepted it putting his ego aside and that is more than enough for me when until a couple of days ago he wasn't even ready to look at me without those murderous glares.

I thought of walking away even after the apology but then it would have just increased the guilt inside him. He is already cursing himself for whatever happened in the past between him and Aaryan and I don't want to add to that list too. I don't want him to suffer more now. So for him, this one last time I threw my ego aside and decided to stay. But this will be the final chance for him, if he screw this up then... No, he won't do that. This time its different, this time I felt some change in him, a positive change and something in me made me trust that change in him.

"What is so good about it?" I heard Ahana as she came and sit beside me on the chair. I smiled looking at her.

"About what?" I asked.

"Do you know you have a big smile on your face right now?" She asked pointing towards my face. I let out a laugh at that. She gave me a questioning look.

"Oh that... Because it's an amazing new day." I said in a dramatic voice, holding my cup and smiling at the view.  

"Really?" She asked rolling her eyes as she went ahead, "I know you are thinking about Rohan."

I didn't say anything and kept looking ahead. She let out a sigh.

"I hope you know what you are doing." Ahana said with a concerned voice. 

"Don't worry. I will be fine." I said looking at her with a small smile. She didn't look convinced.

"That I know but still... I don't know." She said.

"You know Rohan better than anyone else then why are you doubting him?" I asked putting my hand over her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before looking back at me.

"I am not doubting him, Arohi... but he is not in the right state. Even though he said those things I still am not sure till when he will follow that. And above all, I and Arjun won't be here. So you have just got Raghav who has no control over Rohan." She said looking concerned about me. I felt so loved and so special at that moment. I couldn't help but smile at her words and felt the need to get up and hug her tight.

"Do you trust me?" I asked her. She looked at me with confusion.

"What? What kind of question is this?" She asked with annoyance.

"Just answer me."

"Of course I do!" She said not getting what I was trying to prove.

"Then trust me. I will be fine." I said with a faint smile, "Just go without any worries." 

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