Not Wanted

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"Okay... Will someone please explain what is going on here." Alec spoke.

"That would be a good idea." The blond man spoke in agreement as he gave Aro an annoyed look.

"What have you done now?" The other dark haired man added.

I, on the other hand paid no mind to them. My eyes were glued on the woman I once thought was dead.

I stared at her with my mouth hanging open.
Her milky red eyes focused on Aro in a glare.
I tried to take in all her features, at least the features I remembered. When I overlooked the the chalky white skin and the eyes, I saw the beautiful woman who raised me. The woman who would always have a smile on her face, the woman who was always there when I got home from school with freshly baked confectionery. The woman who would always sing me to sleep, the woman who brought light and joy to our house whenever she would walk in.

She was here, standing in front of me.
I didn't know how to feel about it. Relieved? OverJoyed?

What was I supposed to do now? Hug her?

I was well aware that I had the attention of everyone in the room. But they didn't matter. None of them did. It was just me and her in the room, even if she didn't look my way, she's still the only one I saw.

"Wait." Alec spoke. "Jessica has a daughter?"

He spoke her name with so much familiarity. I don't know why but it made me jealous.
This was my mother. Mine.

A blonde lady who had come in with my mother glanced at me sharply. She now stood beside the blonde vampire. If I was to guess, judging by their body language, I'd say that they were mates.

I stood quietly behind Alec and Jane trying not to mind the looks everyone was giving me.

I didn't even mind that everyone was staring at me, my eyes were still fixed on her, hoping she would just look at me, even once. She hadn't set her eyes on me since she had walked in.

I wanted her to acknowledge me. To confirm that this was real and that I wasn't hallucinating.

"Okay, everyone!" Aro spoke, his voice booming with authority. Everyone quietened down immediately.

He walked towards my mother swiftly and took her hands in his.

She, however still didn't look too happy.

"My love," he started. "Lately you have been so downcast, nothing I do nor say has been able to lift your spirits. So, I got you a gift." He turned around and gestured to me. "Your beloved daughter."

She flashed a quick glance at me, a glance that lasted no more than a second but still held some meaning. She then looked back at Aro.
"I didn't ask for this." She told him sternly before turning around to leave the room at vampire speed.

That definitely pierced my heart.

She didn't want me.

My own mother didn't want me, the same woman who gave birth to me.

I felt like everything was now moving in slow motion as I tried to process all that was happening.

My whole life, I wished for this moment, an opportunity to talk to my mother one last time. To tell her all the things I couldn't tell her before.
I wished for her to be by my side when I had boy trouble or when I was mad at my dad... I wanted her to be there through all the important milestones in my life.
So you can imagine how horrible it felt to hear say those words.

It was like a slap to the face.

I just stood there, frozen, looking at the door.

I hardly heard Aro tell Alec and Jane to take me to my room.

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