The Truth about the Volturi

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Bella and Edward spoke in hushed voices probably hoping I couldn't hear what they were saying from where I sat in the back of their car. I wasn't even paying the least bit of attention to them really.

I had to fake being okay around my dad and Helen until we got home. So when Bella and Edward showed up at my door step asking my dad if we could hang out, I didn't waste time in rushing out the door.

At least in their car I didn't have to pretend to be okay. I practically shut down and allowed myself to be completely and utterly tramautised.

My mind played over everything that had happened. What if Bella and Edward hadn't shown up when they did?

According to them, they had just been on their way back from visiting their daughter and her husband and they just happened to be using the path through the cemetery. I hadn't even thought much about the fact that Bella and Edward hadn't been in school with the rest. I didn't even know that they weren't in town.

Who knew all those facts would be so important now? And so trivial to me surviving today?

The car drove past the many trees that hid the Cullen house but once we made it past them, I immediately caught sight of Esme, Carlisle and... him already out front.

The car had hardly come to a stop when the door to the back seat was pulled open and I felt myself being pulled out of the vehicle and being suspended in the air.

Emmett had lifted me up and his arms were squeezed around me in what I thought was a hug. Either that or he was literally trying to squeeze the life out of me.

"Emmett... can't... breath." I managed to chock out.

"Oh my goodness!" He spoke quickly before placing me down.

He put his arms on my shoulders and looked into my eyes. "I'm so sorry, I-I just got overwhelmed... I-I was just so worried about you and-and when I heard-I just-I should have been there-I-."

Emmett stammering. That was definitely a rare occurrence.

I placed my hand on one of his that was still on my shoulder. "I'm okay, Emmett. I'm okay."

He looked at me and there was nothing but complete and utter relief on his face.

He opened his mouth and looked like he was about to say something but seemed to change his mind or just not know what to say.

He pulled me into another hug but this time he applied far less pressure. It still kind of hurt but it was manageable. And I didn't think I had the heart to pull him away with the state he was in.

Besides, the hug actually came as a source of comfort. My mind drifted back to the day in the bowling alley when he had told me that I didn't have to go through anything alone...

Then it was suddenly like the past year flashed back into my mind. I did have to go through all that alone. He lied.

I came to my senses and gently nudged him away from me.

There was hurt written on his face but clearly he understood the reason for my actions.

Behind him, Carlisle and Esme were welcoming back Bella and Edward.

The minute after Esme hugged both her children, she moved on to me and wrapped me in a comforting hug that all mothers seemed to perfect.

Carlisle appeared behind me and patted my back. He gave me a charming smile.

"I see you haven't grown out of your accident prone habits." He spoke. I appreciated that he was trying to lighten the mood.

I let out a laugh. "What can I say, doc? I'm a danger magnet."

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