Because I Had You: Kinsley

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"How does this look?" I walked out of the fitting rooms in a dress store at the mall as I placed my hands on my hips and gave Sophie a turn.
"No. The color is god awful." She cringed. I rolled my eyes walking back in the fitting room. Shawn invited me to Adams wedding tomorrow and I needed a dress. I waited last minute to do this because there's nothing better than doing things at the last minute. We all know that feeling....
"So when were you gonna tell me you and Shawn are together again?" I heard Sophie behind the curtain.
"I'm just teasing. I knew it all along." She interrupted.
"I really like Shawn. He's a really good guy for you." Sophie added. He was. In fact, he was way too good for me.
"What about Matthew though. I saw him talk to you and the incident not too long ago he seemed to rescue you." I could hear the irritation in her voice. She couldn't stand Matthew.
"He just told me he wanted us to be friend and nothing more." I explained.
"Yeah, true. But look what happened when you guys were friends." Sophie added.
"I feel like he's a guy who doesn't really know what he wants to hangs onto things he uncomfortable with in order to avoid change." She insisted.
"I don't really know anymore, but I'm sure he's just been as lost as I am-"
"I hope you're not defending him." She snapped.
"No I'm not-"
"Mmmm, sounds like you are."
"I'm just trying to look at things differently now. I don't want to be bitter about everything." I grabbed all four dresses I had and opened the curtain.
"I know, but I like Shawn. I really do Kinsley. He's just different from everyone. He isn't some guy who lived in the fame of music, he literally is a good human being." She sighed.
"I know. Can I tell you something?" I stared at her.
"Of course."
"I see Shawn, and I see my dad." I began to smile to myself.
"I almost feel closer to my dad in a way, I just still can't believe he came back into my life. I don't know why I did to deserve this."
"Why do you always feel like there's things you don't deserve?" She questioned.
"I don't know-"
"Well I just feel like it's time for you to forget. Just forget everything." She explained.
"Seriously. Just forget. It'll really take you to a better place, not just with everyone. But with yourself."
"Sometimes I don't want to forget." I walked out of the dressing rooms.
"Well why?"
"Because I need to see everything and be reminded of everything so I know not to make the same mistake again."
"I get it, but don't you feel like you miss out so much because of how sad you can be?" I paused hearing her say that.
"Just remember fear is temporary, but regret is forever." I scratched the side of my head trying to understand where she was coming from. I feel like I'm good now, and I feel like I've accomplished and fixed myself up in ways I didn't think it was possible, but we all think about the past. Good or bad right?
"Kinsley." Matthew stopped behind a clothing rack making complete eye contact with me.
"What are you doing here Matthew?" I questioned lifting a brow towards him.
"I'm here for my sister." He lifted some jewelry and clothes in the air to support his explanation.
"Do you think maybe you wanna talk for a little after?" He asked. I heard Sophie sigh behind me. She didn't like him. Not even close. It does break my heart knowing not everyone does support him because inside, he really is a genuine guy.
"Give me a second." I looked at Sophie.
"Take your time. I'll go take these back." She snatched the dresses from me while rolling her eyes. I knew Matthew saw.
"Is she alright?" He asked as I walked towards him.
"She's fine. Sisters irritate one another." I shrugged.
"I can see that." He smiled.
"Is it your sisters birthday?" I questioned.
"No. I just thought maybe I could do something nice for her."
"Well that's nice of you."
"How are you and Shawn?" I tried to read his face to see if he was onto something, but he wasn't. He was the most genuine I've ever seen him. He actually looked like he cared about what I was saying and about me and Shawn's relationship. He was the best friend I knew I always had.
"We're good. Really good." I emphasized.
"He's a really cool guy. I can tell he takes care of you." He nodded.
"He really does." I smiled to myself thinking about everything he does that makes me fall in love with him all over again.
"But I don't wanna always talk about me you know. What's new?" I added.
"Well, I just moved. My sister is coming down, and I think I'm gonna go and adopt a dog tomorrow." He cracked a small laugh.
"Well don't you sound busy."
"Extremely." He answered as we both began to laugh. I paused seconds after I heard Sophie clear her throat behind me. I bit the bottom of my lip.
"Hey." I heard Matthew whispered. I locked eyes to him.
"It's okay." He mouthed before he turned and walked a different direction to the store.
"He's not a bad guy Sophie." I quickly turned around.
"I know-"
"No you don't know. Would you like if every time you went somewhere and everyone gave you the same uncomfortable feeling every god damn time?" She remained quiet.
"I didn't think so." I sighed.
"I can control myself now. It's up to you to trust me or not, but I'm not wait and beg at your knees for you too." I brushed right past her straight for the door. I don't have time to make a statement for myself. I have too many things to do right now, and getting myself something for this wedding is one of them.

Because I Had You// Book #2 (Shawn Mendes FanFic) Where stories live. Discover now