Because I Had You: Shawn

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I was gripping my fist so tight to stop myself from tackling and beating the shit out of him. I stood in silence trying to control my anger. I thought he understood. I thought he was past this, but he wasn't. I can't take it any longer. He's a person I can't have in my life. I just can't anymore.
"Shawn I-"
"You're a real piece of shit." I interrupted Adam before he could use the I'm sorry words he has said to me before. I started to laugh.
"I knew you didn't like her, but I didn't think you were gonna take it this far." I nodded.
"I let my feelings-"
"Fuck you and your god damn feelings." I snapped.
"I thought this was something we both were passed. There's a lot I can say about the things you have done, but you're my best friend so I don't say anything." I walked and grabbed my stuff. I don't fight for him, I fight for the girl who I'm gonna marry.
"But you're not, I shouldn't even call you that anymore, I'm done Adam. I really am."
"Wait, let me go apologize. Shawn." He walked and grabbed my arm. I wanted to believe him, I did because me walking out was gonna hurt me more than I thought, but I had too.
"Just no-" Before I could finish what I was gonna say both of us jumped from hearing a loud crash from outside. I looked at Adam as he was just as clueless as I was. I reached and open for the door. I ran outside and looked down the street as the stoplight that you reach to come to Adam's house had one car flipped right over and the other car was crashed right into a pole and in flames. I stared at the cars for a brief second as my world immediately came crumbling.
"Oh god." I started sprinting leaving Adam standing as the car flipped over was Kinsley. People came out of their houses to see what the noise was, but I pushed through every single one of them not caring if I hurt them, or even threw them to the floor. Smoke was everywhere and my lungs felt it all immediately. I started to cough out of control. I didn't care. All I thought was getting to Kinsley. This can't be happening. This can't be god damn happening to me. I noticed the car that was upside down was hers. I sprinted faster and stopped myself right in front of it.
"KINSLEY!" I screamed hoping to get a response from her. I kept telling myself this can't be real, this can't be my girl going through this. I dropped to my hands and knees and looked under the car as she was hanging upset down.
"Oh god." My body started to tremble. I kicked the rest of the glass off from the window, and reached inside the car for her. As I made my way inside I unbuckled her and caught her in my arms. I pushed the both of us out as I noticed she was breathing, but it was irregular. She had blood covered all over her face. Her breathing sounded like she had an oxygen mask over her mouth. I sat on the street and placed her in my lap. I laid her head in my arm and noticed she had a piece of the windshield glass in her stomach. I can either it out and possibly cause more bleeding or I could leave it and keep the same blood flow.
"Hey, hey. You're okay." I whispered to her as she just started at me as her eyes were the only thing she had left to communicate. I brushed her hair out of her face.
"Don't worry. Help is coming you hear me?" I added holding her tighter. My heart was shattering. I don't think people understand this. I felt like someone grabbed knives and hit right in the heart. All I could hear from her was the same breathing that I hated to hear.
"Kinsley, help is coming. Just hold on okay?" I felt the tears begin to build up. Every moment we had together that meant more than my own life kept replaying in my mind. It was all on repeat. Adam came sprinting up to me as his widen and he placed his hand over his mouth.
"Call for help god damnit!" I screamed with anger.
"CALL FOR HELP WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR!" I screamed as I heard a crack in my voice. Adam pulled out his phone as other people did too and stepped away from us so they can actually hear on the other side of the phone. I noticed her eyes were going in and out of focus.
"Kinsley, stay awake you hear me?" I tapped on her face as she blinked a couple of times more towards me.
"Guess what?" A tear gently fell from my eye.
"After this we're gonna get married." I nodded never feeling so sure about anything in my life.
"I'm gonna buy you a ring of your choice. No matter how big or small, and we're gonna get married. Right on the beach, just you and me, and then you and I can just go. Like how you wanted. We'll just go." The tears started to pour from my eyes. I can't lose her. This can't end. I just got her back, we have so much to do together.
"How does that sound?" She just stared at me. That was the only thing she could do. I felt her body losen up, a small tear left her right eye as I reached and wiped it away.
"You're okay baby." I nodded reaching and kissing the top of her forehead. I pulled away brushing her hair trying to comfort her letting her know she is okay.
"You're okay. Help is coming." I whispered. The shakiness in her body started to stop. She was tired of fighting, the pain was unbearable for her. Her breathing slowly started to disappear. I looked into her eyes as she blinked one last time, and the movement in her eyes stopped. i shut my eyes really tight biting the bottom of lip as hard as I could not wanting to see this sight.
"Baby." I whispered as I moved my hand to the top of her face and I slowly closed her eyelids, and there she laid. Right in my arms, lifeless, She'll never hear me tell her I love her one last time. Our last I love you, she'll never hear again.

Because I Had You// Book #2 (Shawn Mendes FanFic) Where stories live. Discover now