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Can woke up confused the next morning. He did not know where he was at. He had someone cocooned in his arms next to him. He realized it was Sanem. His forehead was touching her forehead. He had one arm under her, and the other arm wrapped over her. His leg was even laying over her. She was beautiful, even in sleep. He felt so content and peaceful. This felt so right. This felt so familiar. He kissed her cheek gently while she slept. Suddenly, the memory flashes hit him. It was like a movie. They just kept coming fast. He saw them sleeping in a hammock by the sea. He saw them sleeping in the spare room in his old house. He saw them sleeping in a bed in some sort of hotel. He saw them sleeping in another hammock with his boat close by. In all the flashbacks, he was holding her...protecting her. His head was pounding, and the pain was unbearable. He did not realize that he moaned out loud. Sanem awoke with a startle. She saw Can holding his head and heard him moaning. She asked if he was alright. He kept saying my head, my head. She ran and got a cool cloth with some of her homemade ointment. She returned to the bed and gently wiped his face and neck.

After a few moments, Can was able to open his eyes. The pain had subsided. He looked into her eyes and saw the love and concern. He told her thank you and that he felt much better. Sanem asked him what happened. Can admitted he had more flashbacks. He saw the different places where they slept side by side. Sanem smiled and her eyes teared up. Sanem laid back down beside Can and put her head on his chest so she could hear his heartbeat. He wrapped his arms around her and just held her. His memories were coming back and he finally realized this woman laying beside him was his woman....his Sanem. He wanted to remember more before he would admit this to her.

When they got out of bed later, they ate breakfast and dressed for the day. They decided to go to the agency together. Sanem decided she would not leave the agency. She was in the process of selling her creams so they could be mass produced in order to sell them around the world. When they entered the agency, Sanem went to make Can a cup of tea. She took him his tea and asked him if he would go out for lunch with her later. Can immediately said yes.

Sanem took Can to the same little restaurant by the sea where he bought her a fish sandwich. Can remembered the little restaurant but could not remember bringing Sanem there. They ate their sandwiches while having small talk. As they were leaving, he had another mental flashback of eating there before with Sanem. They talked about traveling the world together. He told Sanem what he saw in his flashback. She smiled and told him it happened just that way. Can reached for her hand and walked back to the truck.

While in the truck, Can told her his flashbacks were all happy memories, but what about bad memories. Can asked her if they ever had bad memories. Sanem could not look at him. She told him yes, there were bad memories, but she was afraid to tell him about them. Sanem explained they were all in her book. Can told her he would rather hear them from her. Can took her to the rocks where they sat and faced the sea. Sanem told him about her being a spy for Embre when she first started at the agency. Embre made Can sound like a bad king. Sanem admitted she fell in love with him regardless if he was a bad king. Can had a mental flashback of the carnival and overhearing Sanem and Embre. He remembered telling Sanem it was over and nothing about her interests him any longer. Sanem told him about selling her fragrance to Fabri in order to get Can out of jail for punching him. Can also remembered the fight at the hut over this matter and telling her she was just like everyone else. Can told Sanem he remembered those incidents. Sanem told him they worked past those problems. He said he remembered that too.

Can had been wearing the moonstone ring on a chain around his neck since Sanem gave it back to him. He took it off and placed it back around Sanem's neck. He told her it was hers and he wanted her to continue wearing it. He told her one day soon he hoped to put it back on her finger. Sanem smiled and accepted the ring back.

Sanem asked Can if they could go camping this weekend. She wanted to go back to the place where the agency worked on the Compass Sports campaign. This was the time she fell in the over-sized hole in the ground and Can rescued her. Can said they would go camping. 

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