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Sanem is now 8 ½ months pregnant. She is home with Deniz and Can had to make a short trip out of town for the agency. Mihriban just showed up for her daily visit, or as Sanem would call it, babysitting the pregnant lady. Can had Mihriban and Mevkibe pop in daily to check on Sanem due to her being so far along in her pregnancy with twins. Sanem was miserable. She was huge. She could not get comfortable. Her walk now was more of a waddle. She could not wait for this to be over and hold her babies. She was still scared. Taking care of one baby wasn't easy. She could not imagine taking care of 2 little babies and Deniz on top of that. She was definitely going to have her hands full. Can offered to hire a nanny to help her, but she just couldn't put her babies in the care of a stranger.

Sanem was suffering major back pain today. She couldn't do anything to lessen the pain. She tried sitting, laying down and even stretching. But nothing helped the pain. Can had already called to check on her. Sanem lied and told him she was fine. She didn't want him to worry. He told her he would be home in a couple of hours. He told her he loved her and ended the call. Mihriban knew something wasn't right with Sanem. She could see the pain on Sanem's face. She secretly called Mevkibe to let her know her concerns. Mevkibe told her she was on her way. Sanem was surprised when her mother showed up. Her and Mihriban took turns checking up on her. They were never there together. Mevkibe told her she was bored and missed her daughter and granddaughter. Sanem bought the excuse.

An hour later, the pain was getting to be to much. Sanem was hurting bad. The pain was moving to her stomach. Sanem kept thinking it couldn't be labor. It wasn't time. She got a sharp pain in her stomach and it doubled her over. Mevkibe witnessed this. She asked Sanem if she was OK. Sanem told her mother she was hurting. Mevkibe told her she was in labor. Sanem was in denial. She told her mother it wasn't time and Can was not here. She needed her husband here. Mevkibe told her when the babies were ready, time no longer mattered. She suggested they head to the hospital just to make sure. Sanem finally agreed. Mihriban telephoned Can but got no answer. She left him a message.

They called Leyla and Emre. They waited for them to show up to take Deniz before they called a taxi to take them all to the hospital. Mevkibe, Mihriban and Sanem arrived at the hospital. By this time, Sanem was having more and more pain in her stomach. The hospital sent her up to the OB/GYN department. Before she arrived on the floor, her water broke. Mihriban tried to call Can once again. Unknown to them, Can had got Mihriban's first message and was already on his way to the hospital. He was breaking all the speed laws to get to his wife. Sanem was taken straight into the delivery room. Sanem was screaming from the pain and calling for Can. Can was already at the hospital, trying to track down his wife. The hospital staff sent him up to the OB/GYN floor. He immediately heard Sanem screaming for him when he arrived on the floor. He followed the sound of her screams. It was tearing him a part hearing her scream in pain. He found the room she was in. He ran to her. Sanem was crying and when she looked up, Can was standing beside her. She grabbed his hand and squeezed for dear life. He told her he was here and kissed her forehead. The nurse helped Can put a gown on. The doctor came in to check the progress of the delivery. Sanem was dilated to 6 centimeters. The doctor ordered something for the pain to take the edge off.

Sanem continued to hold Can's hand. Can was wiping his wife's face with a cool cloth and feeding her ice chips. He wished he could take her pain away. He would suffer the pain, so his wife didn't have to. She looked so miserable, that it tore at his heart. He never realized what women went through to give birth to their children. Sanem had quieted down from the pain meds. She looked at Can and told him she loved him so much. Can gave her a quick kiss and told her she was his everything. He told her they were done after this birth. He didn't have it in him to put her through this pain anymore. Sanem just smiled and said but wasn't it fun making these babies. Can looked down embarrassed. He then told her yes it was most definitely fun.

The doctor came in again a short time later and told Sanem it was time. She was dilated to 10 centimeters. They stopped the pain med and told her it was time start pushing. The doctor told her with each contraction she was to push with all her might. Sanem said ok weakly. So, the pushing began. Sanem was getting so tired she could barely push. Can kept helping her lean up when it was time to push. He continued to wipe her face with the cool cloth. He admired his wife. She was handling this like a trooper. Sanem looked at Can and told him she was so tired. She didn't know how much longer she could do this. Can told her she could do this. She was strong. Sanem just smiled at him.

The contractions were coming fast and hard now. The tears were rolling down her face by this time. The doctor told them they were very close. She shouted there was a head. The doctor told Sanem to push really hard. With Can's help, she pushed with all of her might. The first baby made its appearance. The nurse took the baby immediately to weigh it and clean it up. The doctor told Sanem and Can that the baby was a boy. After a few minutes, the doctor told her to push really hard once again. Sanem pushed with all of her might. The second baby made its appearance. The doctor told them they had a girl. The nurse took the baby girl to weigh her and clean her up. The other nurse placed the baby boy into Sanem's arms. Sanem was crying while holding her son. She kissed the top of his head. Can bent over and did the same. He then kissed his wife and told her thank you. Sanem asked for what. Can said for giving me the greatest gift of children. Sanem smiled and told him she loved him. The nurse then brought their baby girl over and handed her to Can. Can had tears in his eyes. He gave his baby girl a kiss. He couldn't stop looking at her. She was so beautiful. He bent down so Sanem could see their daughter. Sanem kissed her head.

The nurse took both babies to the nursery to get them warmed up. The doctor finished up with Sanem and had her transferred to a room. Can followed her to the room. He told her he would go tell Mevkibe and Mihriban about the babies and he would be right back. She said OK. He gave her a deep kiss and left. He found the ladies in the waiting room. When he came into the waiting room, he not only found Mevkibe and Mihriban, he found Aziz and Nihat waiting. He told them they had a granddaughter and a grandson. They all smiled and cried. Mevkibe asked how her daughter was. Can told them Sanem was fine and was just taken to a room. They could see her soon. He suggested they all go to the nursery window to see their grandchildren. They all went, along with Can. Both babies were in the warmer and fast asleep.

After seeing the babies, they all went to see Sanem. Sanem was starting to doze off when they arrived. She opened her eyes when she heard them come in. She smiled at them. They all bent to give her a hug and kiss. Aziz thanked her for giving him more grandchildren to cherish. Sanem smiled at him again. They told her they were leaving so she could get some rest. After they left, Can stated alone at last. Sanem told him to go home and get some rest. Can told her nope. He was staying where his family was. He told her if she was staying, then he was staying. When she leaves, then he will leave. He bent over and kissed his beautiful wife.  

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