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It was the morning of their last day in Kayseri. They had to be at the airport in the afternoon in order to catch their flight home. Sanem packed all their belongings when she got up this morning. Can asked if she wanted to eat breakfast in the hotel diner. Sanem said sure. They walked hand in hand downstairs to the diner. They ordered their breakfast and then chatted while they waited for it. Sanem thanked Can for the wonderful time she has had in Kayseri. She told him it really uplifted her. Can grabbed her hand across the table and told her he was glad. He said he too enjoyed himself. He kissed her hand. Can told her they would do it more often. Their food came and they dug in. Once they were finished, they headed back upstairs. Sanem fell back on the bed with a sigh. She told Can she hated to leave this place. Can laid down beside her and said he did too. He told her he was going to start work on the nursery at the agency as soon as they got back. He wanted his wife beside him at the agency. He rolled over and kissed her. Sanem admitted to missing the agency and all of her friends.

They headed to the airport in order to catch their flight home. Once on the plane, Can put his arm around Sanem's shoulders and pulled her to him. She laid her head on his shoulder. He caressed her hair. Sanem looked at Can and asked him if it would always be like this between them. Can smiled, kissed the top of her head and said it will only get better. Sanem said promise. Can said promise. They arrived back in Istanbul in no time. Can left his truck in the airport parking garage. He told Sanem he would go fetch it and meet her out front. She said OK. Sanem sat down and watched people arriving and leaving the airport. Sanem happened to look up and saw someone she recognized entering the airport from the unloading part. It was Can's ex, Polen. Sanem was speechless. Polen looked up and saw Sanem and gave her a smirk. Sanem turned her head away. Sanem was looking out the front for Can, wishing he would hurry up. She despised this woman. Sanem heard her before she saw her. Polen said hello, Sanem. Sanem turned and stared at her. Sanem asked why she was in Istanbul. Polen said she had friends here that she was visiting, and she wanted to visit her brother, Yigit's grave. Sanem lost all color in her face. Sanem knew Yigit was shot by Mihriban when he tried to kill Sanem at the farm. Polen looked at her and told her she remembered Yigit, right? Sanem looked at Polen and she said of course I do. Why would you ask such a stupid question, Polen? Polen smirked and said no reason.

Can pulled up in front of the airport at that time. He entered the airport to get their luggage. He searched for Sanem and found her talking to somebody. As Can got closer, he realized it was Polen. He heard Polen ask Sanem if she remembered Yigit. Can was thinking what the hell. Sanem had lost all color in her face. Can hurried over to his wife. He glared at Polen and asked why she was in Istanbul. She told Can she was visiting friends and wanted to visit her brother's grave. Can grabbed Sanem's hand and pulled her up to stand beside him. Can sarcastically told Polen to have a nice visit and he hoped to NOT see her anymore while she was here. Can and Sanem left the airport. Can loaded up their luggage and headed home. Can noticed Sanem was very quiet on the drive home. He told her to not let Polen ruin her mood. She was a vile, vindictive woman. Sanem smiled a little smile at Can and told him she knew that already. They arrived home and went next door to get Deniz from Leyla and Emre's.

Deniz was excited to see her mom and dad. She told them she missed them. Can picked her up, hugged and kissed her. He told her they missed her too. Can unloaded the truck, while Sanem took Deniz and Adil, the puppy inside. After everything was unloaded, Can called his dad and asked if he could bring the twins home. Aziz said of course. A little later, Aziz and Mihriban arrived with the twins. Sanem and Can loved on them as well. They really missed their children. Can and Aziz went out on the porch, while Sanem and Mihriban talked in the kitchen. Sanem told her that Polen was back in Istanbul. She saw her at the airport. Mihriban turned white. Mihriban thought back to the day she shot and killed Yigit. Why is she here, asked Mihriban. Sanem said to visit friends and Yigit's grave. Can was on the porch telling his dad the same thing. Aziz told Can he had a bad feeling about her being here in Istanbul. Can said he did too. He told his dad they had to keep a close eye on Sanem and Mihriban while she was here. He did not trust her, and she could be very vindictive. Aziz agreed. Can told his dad to keep his eyes open for any trouble. Aziz said he would.

They all went back in the house and sat down for some tea. Aziz noticed Mihriban was white as a ghost and extremely quiet. He grabbed her hand and asked if she was OK. Mihriban smiled and said she was fine, just tired. Deep down, Mihriban was worried about Polen's arrival and her looking for revenge for her brother's death. She was scared for Sanem, the kids and herself. Sanem was also worried what Polen was up too. After they drank their tea, Aziz and Mihriban headed home. Sanem and Can sat down on the floor and played with their kids. Can noticed Sanem was quiet. He knew she was worried about Polen being there. He tried to reassure her that everything would be fine. He told her he would not let anything happen to her or the kids. Sanem smiled and said she knew. Sanem reached over and squeezed Can's hand.

Soon it was time for the kid's bath. Sanem and Can got all three bathed and dressed for bed. Once they were down for the night, Can and Sanem sat in the living area. Sanem laid her head on Can's lap. Can was playing with her hair. Sanem was deep in thought. Can asked where her beautiful mind was. Sanem looked up at him and said she was wondering what Polen was up too. Sanem told him she had a strange look on her face when they were talking at the airport. She said Polen reminded her of person on the edge of loosing it. She told Can her gut told her trouble was coming their way. She told Can she was scared for everyone, especially Mihriban. Can kissed her forehead and told her he would not let anything happen to any of them. He told her he would put Bulut, Cey Cey, Muzzo and Emre on alert. He had already alerted his father. He said they already had cameras installed on their property. He told Sanem that tomorrow he would have alarms installed in the house. Sanem smiled and said OK. Can told her he saw her self-defense move in action, so he knew she could defend herself. Sanem laughed. She whispered to Can that she just about peed her pants. Can laughed. They got up and headed to bed about an hour later.

Meanwhile, Polen was in a bar talking to an unknown man. She was handing him an envelope of cash. She asked the man if he knew what to do. The unknown man smiled and said of course. 

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