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Sanem awoke the next morning and ran to the toilet. Once again, She was hugging the porcelain throne when Can found her. He got a cool rag and was wiping her face. He asked her if she was OK. She told him yes. He picked her up and put her back in bed. Can told her to rest and he would make her a very light breakfast. He went and made her some tea and grabbed a pack of crackers. She would hate this, but he would promise her a big lunch. He took the tea and crackers to Sanem. She immediately started nibbling the crackers. Can promised her a big lunch when they went exploring in Santa Luca. Sanem said OK because she was starving. Can smiled and said of course you are.

After her stomach settled, she got up, showered and dressed. She found Can up top, tying off the boat. She told him she was ready to explore. He said OK; let's go. He helped her off the boat. They walked toward town, hand in hand. The first placed they stopped was the local bookstore. Sanem laughed at him. Can asked what was so funny. He said I told you I was going to buy all the books they had on pregnancy. Which he did. He exited the store with a bag full of pregnancy books. He took Sanem's hand and continued on their way. Sanem wanted to look for souvenirs for her family and friends. So, they entered a store that sold plenty of souvenirs. Sanem bought for her mother, father, Leyla, Embre, Deren, Cey Cey, Muzzo, Bulut, Aziz and Mihriban. Can decided to take their purchases back to the boat, so they wouldn't be weighed down. He left Sanem in a little cafe to wait for him.

Can returned a short time later and asked Sanem if she was ready for some lunch. Sanem said of course. They ordered a platter of sardines each with tea. When it arrived, Sanem started digging in. She kept giving Can bites from her plate and he in turn, gave her bites from his plate. After they were done, they continued exploring Santa Cruz. They ended up on a beach. Sanem said this is amazing. She collected seashells along the shore. They both took off their shoes and walked along the water's edge. The water felt so good. Can told her he couldn't wait for their child to get here so they could do these things as a family. Sanem said me too. Can leaned over a placed a quick kiss on her lips. Sanem asked him if that was the best he had. Can smiled, leaned in once more and kissed her with a passion. He heard and felt Sanem's moan. When he finally lifted his head, she told him much better.

Shortly after, they returned to the boat. Sanem said she was tired and was going to take a quick nap. She gave Can a kiss and headed downstairs. Can got out one of the pregnancy books and began reading. The book had pictures of what their baby looked like inside of Sanem. The babies in the pictures looked like bugs with big eyes. Can thought what the hell did we create? Is Sanem giving birth to a bug with big eyes? The further he got in the book; the baby started looking like an alien. Can thought babies were supposed to be cute and cuddly. How do you cuddle an alien looking thing? Why would you want too? He knew if Sanem saw these pictures she would freak out. When he got to the seventh month pictures, the alien actually started looking like a baby. It had arms, legs, a head, eyes and a mouth. He felt better and more relieved. He continued reading.

A few hours later, Sanem came back up top. She felt better and was well rested. She saw Can reading and went over and sat down on his lap. She asked him if he was learning anything and laughed. He told her it wasn't funny, and he was learning a lot. She ran her hand down the side of his beard. She told him he was going to make an awesome father. He smiled and told her she was going to be a great mother. Can told her he was so lucky to have her and that he loved her very much. Sanem told him she was the lucky one. She told him she couldn't believe after everything they have been through, they were finally together, married and having a baby. She said it feels like a dream. Can kissed her passionately and asked her if that felt like a dream. Sanem giggled and said no; your definitely real. She touched his albatross necklace and said my real, live albatross. He told her she was his real, live phoenix.

Sanem asked him what he wanted the baby to be, a boy or girl. Can said just like my dream, I want a girl first and then twins; one boy and one girl. Sanem laughed. She asked what about a name. He said once again, like my dream, the first girl will be called Deniz. Sanem smiled. Sanem asked him where they were traveling to next. Can said he didn't know yet. He said just wherever the sea takes us. He told Sanem they would stay there in Santa Luca for a few days before setting sail again. Sanem said OK.

Can asked her what she wanted to do for the rest of the day. Sanem jumped up and turned on some music. She went back to Can and held out her hand. She said dance with me, my albatross. Can smiled and took her hand. Can pulled her into his arms and rested his hands on her back. She hooked her hands behind his neck, and they danced. They looked deeply into each other's eyes. Sanem thought she couldn't possibly love this man anymore than she did. Can thought he couldn't possible love this woman anymore than he did. He leaned his forehead against hers and breathed in her scent. Her scent was intoxicating. He ran his nose down the side of her face and then buried his face in her neck. He began kissing and sucking her neck. Sanem leaned her head to the side to give him better access. She was moaning because it felt so good, so right. She reached up and loosened his bun so his hair could fly free. She loved running her fingers through his hair. It was getting so long. Can brought his face back up to hers and dived in for an intense kiss. They kissed until they had to break for air. Sanem grabbed his hand and led him downstairs. Can followed with a mischievous smile on his face. He thinks he has created a sexual nymph. Sanem made fast work of Can's clothes and started running her hands all over him. Can said no fair. You have way too many clothes on. Sanem looked at him and told him to do something about it. He removed her clothes in record time. Can told her she was beautiful and perfect. Sanem looked at him and asked him if he would still think that when her stomach was sticking out to here. She used her arms to show him how big she would get. Can held her and told her she would be even more beautiful and perfect, because she was carrying their child. A child made out of love. She kissed him then and backed him up to bed. They landed on the bed and loved each other for hours. 

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