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Sanem awoke sometime during the night due to a nightmare about Fabri. She was crying, moaning and thrashing in her sleep. She bolted upright in bed. She was covered in perspiration. Can woke up when he realized Sanem was awake and apparently in some sort of pain. He sat up beside her and touched her face. She flinched at first, until she realized it was Can. He asked her if she was OK. Sanem said she didn't know if she would ever be OK again. She can't get the feeling of being violated by Fabri out of her mind. She told Can she never wanted anyone else's hands or lips on her, but him...her husband. Deep down she feels like she cheated on him. Can embraced her and told her to never feel like that. She did nothing wrong. It was all that slime bag Fabri. Can knows Sanem would never cheat on her. He told her how sorry he was that she had to go through this. Sanem told him he saved her before Fabri did what he planned to do to her. Can told her he had decided to install cameras around their property. He wanted his wife and daughter safe at all costs. He also told Sanem starting today, he was teaching her some self-defense moves. Sanem laughed at that. Me? Self-defense? Sanem told him she was libel to knock herself out as klutzy as she is. Can laughed and told her she would do fine. Sanem said OK, it was his funeral. Can pulled her back down on the bed. He wrapped his arms around her and told her to get some more sleep. He was right there beside her and nothing was going to happen to her. She laid her head on his chest and whispered my albatross.

The next time Sanem woke up, she was alone in the bed. She wondered why Deniz had not waken her up. Sanem got up, went to use the bathroom and padded to Deniz's nursery. She was not in her crib. She heard noises coming from the living area. She found Can and their daughter on the floor playing. Deniz was cooing and giggling at her father. Can was blowing raspberries on her little tummy. Sanem stood there and watched them with a smile on her face for some time. Can adored his daughter. Can looked up and saw Sanem standing there. He said good morning, my beloved. Sanem said good morning. Can asked her if she wanted breakfast. Sanem told him she just wanted tea for now. She went to prepare herself a glass. Can came into the kitchen and asked her if she had anymore nightmares. She told him no and thanked him for letting her sleep in a little. He told her anything for the woman he loved and kissed her cheek.

They went into the living area where Deniz was swinging in her swing. She saw her momma and cooed. Sanem kissed her precious baby and told her good morning. Sanem went and sat with Can on the couch. He put his arm around her and pulled her close to him. He told her people would be there today to install the outside cameras. Sanem asked him if that was necessary. Can told her it was. He also told her he was not going into the agency today. He was working from home. Sanem told him that was not necessary. Can said it was definitely necessary. He was staying home with his beautiful girls. Sanem smiled and said OK. Can told her he may go next door to help Bulut work some more on Emre and Leyla's home. But, he would be close by her today if she needed anything. Sanem told him OK, but to please not smother her. She was fine. She would get past this. Can told her he knew she would because she was strong and he was there to help her if she needed it. Sanem told him thank you, my love. Can told her anytime, my beloved.

Can went next door to help Bulut with Emre and Leyla's house. Sanem decided to clean up the house a little. It was soon time to lay Deniz down for her afternoon nap. Sanem liked to keep her on a pretty strict schedule. Deniz fell right to sleep. Sanem decided to make Can something for lunch. She made him his favorite...dolma with her special dipping sauce. The men had arrived to install the outdoor cameras. Can came back to the house when the men arrived. Sanem asked him if he was hungry and he told her he was starving. She made him a plate of dolma with dipping sauce. She handed him his plate and went to make him some tea. He asked where Deniz was? Sanem said she is taking a nap. Can asked Sanem if she would go out with him tonight. Sanem said like a date? Can smiled and said yes...a married couple date. Sanem giggled and said sure. She would see if her parents would like to keep Deniz for the night. Can said awesome.

Can kissed Sanem and headed back out to work on Emre and Leyla's house. Sanem called her parents to see if they would keep Deniz for the night, so her and Can could go on a married couple date. Her parents readily agreed. They were excited about spending time with their granddaughter. About that time, Deniz woke up. Sanem went into the nursing. She told Deniz good afternoon, precious. Deniz cooed at her and started babbling. Sanem changed her and brought her into the living area. She asked Deniz if she was ready to eat. Deniz smiled and babbled. Sanem fed her precious angel. After she was done, Sanem got out her stroller and they went outside for a walk. They passed by Emre and Leyla's house and Can saw them. He stopped what he was doing and ran over to them. He asked them where they were going. Sanem said we are out enjoying nature. Can told them he would take a break and enjoy nature too, with his girls. He put his arm around Sanem while she pushed the stroller. Sanem told him her parents will keep Deniz for the night so they could go out. Can said wonderful. Sanem said where are we going? Can said it was a surprise and kissed her temple. After their walk they headed back home.

Sanem got ready for her date with Can. She already had Deniz's bag packed for her parent's house. Can came in the house and jumped in the shower. He got out and got dressed. Sanem and Deniz were waiting for him in the living area. Can asked if his girls were ready. They got in the truck and headed to Nihat and Mevkibe's to drop Deniz off. They arrived at the Aydin's and they were waiting for them by the door. They were so excited. Sanem kissed her parents and handed them Deniz. Sanem told them they would be back to get her tomorrow. Can and Sanem headed back to the truck. Sanem asked him again where they were going. Can said wait and see.

They ended up at their old hut. The place where a lot of their memories were made. Sanem was so excited. She loved this place. They got out of the truck and Can covered her eyes. He walked her to the hut. He removed his hand and Sanem opened her eyes. Her mouth dropped open. It was decorated like the day Can was going to propose to her. Pillows everywhere, flowers, dream catchers and their telescope. She jumped in Can's arms and kissed his face all over. She told him it was beautiful. He told her she was beautiful. He put her down and went to turn on the record player. He came back out and offered his hand to Sanem. He told her dance with him. She took his hand and he pulled her into his arms. He wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her close. She wrapped her hands around his neck, playing with the back of his hair. Sanem told him this brought back so many memories. He put his forehead against hers. He told her it did bring back memories and they were going to make new ones. They continued to dance and touch each other. He played with her hair and she ran her hands down his beard. He suddenly picked her up in his arms and carried her inside the hut. Sanem asked what he was doing. He told her he wanted to love his wife. Can made love to his wife for hours. They then laid in each other's arms. Can asked her if she hungry. Sanem giggled and said always. They got up and got dressed. Sanem chose to wear one of Can's t-shirts, like old times.

Can went to collect wood for the fire and Sanem started making a salad. Can came back and started grilling meat for their dinner. After everything was ready, they sat down to eat. Can brought out some wine and poured them both a glass. Sanem asked him if he was trying to get her drunk. Can said would I do that? Sanem told him it wouldn't be her fault if she started acting crazy and saying stupid stuff. Can said do I look scared. He said if you throw herself into my arms, just be prepared for the consequences. Sanem giggled. After they ate, they sat down on the pillows outside with their wine. Can sat up the telescope. He knew how much Sanem loved looking at the stars. They stood up and started star gazing. Can stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He kept kissing her neck. Sanem was filling the effects of the wine by this time. She told Can all he wanted to do was kiss. Can laughed and asked her if she had a problem with that. Sanem said no...not at all. She continued looking at the stars while Can was making out with her. He ran his hands under his t-shirt she wore and touched her bare skin. Sanem gave up looking at the stars and turned around in his arms. She jumped up into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. She said OK, bad king....take me to your dungeon. Can laughed and told her he had something better than a dungeon. He carried her back inside the hut. 

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