Forever ✔️

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6 years later ...

Today is my first day at school together with other races. Until we complete the fundamental,where we learn to read and write, we learn the history of our race, and the functioning of a pack,we don't go to school outside the pack. But once we move on to high school, things change a bit. I was really anxious and with a little fear, everything I heard about the others races wasn't very attractive.

Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi were already in their sophomore year, Me, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were coming in now.

- My Wolfie, do you remember the rules?

My mom asked hugging me, a few years ago I was the one who snuggled against her chest, but now I can kiss the top of her head.

- Yes mom, don't worry.

Did she really have to treat me like a baby? I'm almost 15, for the love of the goddess.

- I am your mother, there isn't a single moment when I don't worry about you, you will understand when you have your own puppies, it doesn't matter how old they are or how tall they get.

She replied as if she had read my thoughts, trying to look angry or something, but omegas are always too cute, even the dominant ones, unless they are REALLY angry, so I'd rather face 10 alphas than face my mother or any other mad omega.

- Okay mom, love you, bye.

I said waving and running toward the boys.Namjoon was waiting for me along with the others, they waved from inside the car to my mom , their luna.

As I approached Jungkook opened the door and came to the side giving me some space.

-Do y'all still wearing this necklace to go out? It's so old guys ...

I said seeing that they continued to wear the necklace I gave them years ago.

- But you gave it to us.

- And you said it was meant to be kept forever remember?

- And this is the symbol of our friendship , so we're keeping it.

Taehyung, Namjoon and Jin said, complementing each other's phrases as they have been strangely doing since childhood.

- You are very strange completing each other's sentences like that, you know, right? But you are very cute too, I need to admit.

I spoke making the three smile at me, their faces a little flushed, Taehyung even more than Jin and Namjoon.

- I think we better leave all this soft talk for later, we'll be late on our first day.

Yoongi spoke of the front seat, and by his tone of voice he was looking angry and bored, but he is always like that, except for me, he is always very sweet to me.

- Yoongi cold heart is right guys, let's go.I said, just to provoke him, and even without him turning I could see that he had red ears. But soon he recovered , looked at me and put his hand on his chest pretending to be offended while everyone else laughed.

I was nervous but I didn't want to say anything to them, Jimin was on Jungkook's side looking out the window, he looked as nervous as I did, but I chose not to address the issue.

As Namjoon parked in front of the school , I felt my heart racing, there were so many people..I was a little stunned by so many unknown odors and faces, I was starting to freak out when I felt his hand touch mine.

- I'm scared too, but you're the most powerful among us, show them who is the alpha.

Jimin spoke and smiled at me , I waved and opened the car door to a new world.

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