Chapter 10

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Yoongi POV

I was sitting through yet another boring meeting, barely paying attention to the offer the company was trying to pitch.

This stuff didn't interest me one bit.

And to be completely honest, I didn't work here because I wanted to.

But it's the family company and I need to take over and all that dumb stuff.

However, it was so incredibly boring. I don't care how well stocks and shares are doing nor do I care who wants to borrow cash from the company.

There were so many things out there in the world that I could see and do. So many more influential things I could get involved with, and yet here I am with an office job.

I zoned out completely, Dahye filling the empty void of thoughts.

She was so strange, and she felt so different. She just speaks what's on her mind without worrying what the other's reaction will be, yet I can't shake the feeling of how kind and pure she is. All she wants to do is help others.

But when she ran off, something felt off about it. The air felt denser and tension was definitely there.

She was gone the entire rest of the day, and now after doing whatever she did, she's sick!

That girl was a puzzle that I was going to solve.

"Mister Min?" A soft voice called.

I looked up to see all the men in the meeting room staring at me.

"So what did you think about the business proposition? It'd be very beneficial to our company if we could work with you," one of the men said.

I smiled and nodded, signing off on the contract and shaking the men's hands.

"Okay, this meeting was great, but I've got somewhere I need to be," I said, rushing out of the office.

I got in my car and drove to Dahye's university.

Thankfully, when I got there, classes had just ended so everyone was going home. And that's when I spotted her friend.

"Hi! Hello! Excuse me! You're Han Dahye's friend right?!" I asked, too excited to talk any quieter.

"I am. And you're that weird business guy Dahye was fussing about," he remarked.

"I am—"

"Look, if you're looking for Dahye to propose some business thing you're probably going to have to wait until Monday. She's really sick and contagious," he said.

"I know, she already told me," I blurted.

He raised an eyebrow, "You have her number?"

I mentally cursed myself for blurting that out loud, "Her father gave it to me. See we were eating together at a cafe and then when I went to pay she was gone and left her stuff. I had to deliver it to her place, and he gave it to me just in case."

He seemed to be contemplating.

"Listen, you're her best friend. You've got to know something about her. Something feels different about her. I don't think I've ever met someone as unique as her," I hummed.

"That's just Dahye. She's the kindest person you'll ever meet with a personality that shines through it all. She's the best of us," he beamed.

"Then do you have any idea why she'd just disappear. And why she'd come back with a fever. Where could she have gone? Do you have any idea?" I almost begged.

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