Chapter 57

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Zelroth threw me carelessly back into the cell that I was not looking forward to seeing.

I tried pushing myself up, but I was running on nothing.

"Welcome back! Your arrival has been overdue, don't you think?" A familiar voice mocked.

"Shut it Min. I'd rather just endure your wrath than listen to you talk," I spat.

He laughed, "Big talk for someone who can barely get her face off the ground."

My hands clenched into fists.

I managed to stand up, holding onto the cell bars for support. Min stuck his face in mine, mocking me on the outside while I rotted inside of his death prison.

"You know you should be thanking me. I built an extension to the cell so that you would be fueled vitals," he said.

"Yeah and I'm assuming the flip side to that is that it'll only work if you turn on your drainer machine. So essentially your just harvesting power and shoveling a little bit of energy into me so you can keep the cycle going," I huffed.

He scoffed, "I'm surprised you managed to guess that in your state. Well if you're going to be so ungrateful then I guess I'll just give you what you asked for."

He motioned for Zelroth to go to the control board. Zelroth gave me a sinister smile as he took the level and cranked it to the highest point.

Within seconds the energy drainage had begun. I immediately fell to the floor, writhing in every direction the pain was even more intense.

Black spots were dotting my vision and sweat was pouring off of me but I got myself to stand up, wincing and spazzing every second.

Forgetting how the stupid cell worked, I tried forming a very small orb, but the minute a tiny one formed, a massive zap struck like lighting, causing me to crumble to the ground again.

I screamed in agony as my entire body went numb. Despite this, I somehow got myself up again. My survival instincts were in full gear, to say the least.

Why I was so desperate, I could tell you, but I ran up to the bars aggressively trying to break them, of course, this proved futile too and just shocked me more.

I was dizzy, I could barely make out my surroundings, but I knew I was being watched and mocked, and that made me mad. I continued to punch the bars desperately, growing weaker with every attempt. I was so frantic that I formed a small orb in my hands, cringing as my energy continued to get zapped from me. But I held the orb steady releasing it with one hand against the bars, but it quickly fizzled out, the force ricocheting back up my arm.

I screamed in agony as my left arm hung at my side. My arm was definitely broken but I couldn't feel anything because of all my numbness.

I stood in the center of the cell, literally going insane. I began crying again, letting my pain echo.

"Help me! Get me out of here!" I wailed.

I kept yelling for 'help' knowing that no one could hear me.

Min smirked, "Music to my ears. Let's leave her here. We'll see how she is in the morning when she's completely sleep deprived and begging for mercy."

They all walked away, but Zelroth hung back for a bit.

I winced at the searing pain crawling up and down my body, watching Zelroth weakly.

"People like you don't understand. You don't appreciate when good things are done for you," Zelroth scoffed.

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