Santa And His Reindeer

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Sleeping soundly in the cold snow, Todoroki, the lead alpha of the reindeer population in the South Pole, knew the day of Christmas was tomorrow. He needed to get plenty of sleep in order to lead his comrades in the sky to all those hopeful people. That also included Santa.

In Santa's workshop, elves busied themselves with toy-making and gift-wrapping while Santa made sure everything was running smoothly. But the one thing he paid most attention to was his reindeer. They were the sole purpose and transportation for Christmas. Without them, he couldn't do his job.

To the reindeer, the snow was something they were used to. Everyone in the North Pole was used to the cold. Todoroki made sure, however, that the reindeer didn't freeze over by using his fire Quirk. He was a very considerate alpha and always put his comrades first before himself. The two-toned male would do anything to keep his friends alive and to deliver presents to the townsfolk.

"RISE AND SHINE, SHIT HEADS! GET READY TO DEPART AND HEAD TO YAMANASHI!" Santa yelled, jingling bells. Every reindeer tripped and scattered to prepare the sleigh while a group of elves loaded the present. Todoroki, as always, did most of the work as he pushed himself to set up everything. In around ten minutes all the presents were loaded and the sleigh was fueled. All that was left was the reindeer. Todoroki ordered every reindeer to strap themselves in their respective order. Santa, also known as Bakugo Katsuki, found Todoroki's leadership very impressive. There was still a little time left until it was time to depart.

"Alright, you may relax until departure," Todoroki ordered, strapping himself in the front and sitting in the snow, his legs crossed as he stared at the night sky.

"You do pretty well at commanding," Bakugo complimented, standing in front of the leading reindeer. "How would you like to help me around the workshop, as well? I could do with two commanders working the elves."

Todoroki didn't smile. Instead, he shook his head, "I'll have to politely decline. I can't leave my comrades in the cold alone with no warmth. They need me to help them."

The ash-blond clicked his tongue, "Then how about I make a campfire for them every night so you don't have to warm them up? Plus, work will get done faster if you help command the elves with me~" He smirked and propped both hands on his hips, the flakes of snow lightly coating his red outfit.

If Todoroki helped Santa in the workshop and the reindeer keep warm, work will definitely go by faster. It's a good chance to earn a longer vacation.

"Alright. After our drop-offs, I'll present the idea to my comrades." The alpha leader stood up, brushing off any snow before readjusting his harness and booping his nose, making it light up red. "How many minutes?"

Bakugo looked at his watch, "One. I'll get the sleigh running while you boost the morale of the reindeer." Todoroki nodded and gave the reindeer their confidence while Bakugo flipped switches to ignite the main engines. Soon enough all engines were a-go. Bakugo gripped the reins before snapping them. All half-human reindeer turned into full reindeer before taking off, pink and gold dust emitting from their hooves. Todoroki led the group with ferocity and confidence. He wanted this day to be the best it has been.

"First stop: five-seven-two North Avil," Bakugo ordered. Todoroki took in the information and steered the sleigh towards an old two-story building. He successfully landed the sleigh on the roof. Bakugo hopped off and took out two presents before jumping into the filthy soot-covered chimney. He came back out within two minutes and sat back in the sleigh.

"Let's go," Bakugo ordered, gripping the reins and snapping them. Todoroki took off once more.


By the fiftieth to last house, the leading reindeer felt exhausted. It was strange since he's done this plenty of times. Why was he suddenly tired now?

Bakugo jumps back into the sleigh and grabs the reins with one hand. He yawned, "Alright, just a few more. Let's go, Icyhot." He snapped the reins, but Todoroki did not move. The ash-blond grew annoyed and snapped the reins again. Nothing. "Icyhot! Move it!" He snapped the reins extraordinarily hard. Todoroki ignored his exhaustion and shot into the air towards the last set of houses. His fellow comrades were a little concerned about their leading alpha.

Upon the last house, Bakugo sloppily delivered the presents before returning to the sleigh. All the reindeer were exhausted and couldn't wait to get home and relax. Todoroki couldn't wait to head home.

The ride back was short and quick as the sleigh landed in its original place in the snow. Every reindeer turned into their half-human form before tearing off the harnesses and sleeping under their respective trees. Todoroki, however, didn't take off his harness. He fell to the ground and passed out from exhaustion. Bakugo took him into the workshop and laid him in his bed. He gazed at the half-reindeer half-human alpha. He was the sexiest looking among the eight other reindeer. Bakugo licked his lips as he stared at the snoozing boy.

"I don't mind having a few more reindeer to pull my sleigh~" he said, thinking of all the things he could do. It wasn't rape since the two have dated before. Todoroki felt ashamed for falling in love with his master—it wasn't right. But the ash-blond loved him as well. They both hit it off for a long while.

However, the two-toned male felt too ashamed and decided not to do anything romantic with Bakugo. Now that he's asleep with no one but Bakugo around, why not have a little fun?

The fiery ash-blond male began by sitting on the bed and leaning down to kiss his sweet leading reindeer on the lips. The boy groaned as Bakugo slid a tongue into his mouth, exploring sensitive areas.

"Mhn..." Todoroki stirred but didn't fight. Bakugo continued to tease the young male with his tongue as he stroked the reindeer's hair then antlers. The kiss deepened as the older male found himself growing hornier. How could he not be turned on by this sexy beast? He's supernaturally hot.

Todoroki opened his eyes and felt a tongue in his mouth. He noticed that Bakugo was French kissing him. He didn't fight but instead wrapped his arms around the ash-blond as he fought for dominance. Bakugo was surprised that he kissed back but didn't pay any attention to it as they slowly melted into each other.

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