06 - Je ne comprends pas... - pt.3

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Chapter Three continued

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Chapter Three continued...

Chapter Three continued

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"No," I type out.

Kris: Smh. Don't wait too long. Girls like her don't stay lonely long in the city of love.

Katie: I don't think you should rush it.

"Isabella?" Ari asks.

I look up from my phone. She is staring at me. I finish out the message with a fast "g2g. Luv ya" and turn my attention to Ari.


"What do you want to drink?" She asks. "Apollo is buying us a round."

He is already standing, waiting for my answer. Free drinks or no. I still don't like him or trust him.

"Water," I tell him.

Ari raises an eyebrow but doesn't question it. Apollo nods. Then he walks away leaving us alone. There is a long quiet pause before she speaks.

"Who were you texting?" She asks.

"Kris and Katie," I answer.

"Oh yeah? How are they doing?"

"Same as usual. Hilarious."

"That's good." She says with a smile then looks down at the table. I don't know why conversation seems difficult, it's not a problem we've had before. I rack my brain for a topic.

There was a question I'd been meaning to ask her. Something Katie had once said about her relationship with Ari. About it being complicated. This was the first time Katie had come up in conversation and I'd been meaning to ask.

"Were you and Katie...?"

"Et voilà." Apollo carefully sets down three drinks in front of us. Ari and Apollo both grab theirs. It looks like champagne. I scrutinize my glass suspiciously. They're both staring at me waiting for a toast, so I pick it up.

They both say. "À votre santé!" (Cheers!)

I clink my glass with theirs but don't drink right away. I continue to stare at the clear liquid. It doesn't look like water. I take a tiny sip. It's bubbly.

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