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"Happy 21st Birthday Lorien!" his friends screamed at him as he made his way to their table grinning widely.

"Thank you." He blushed as Zana placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Oh, come on Lorien, we've known each other since forever and you still blush when I kiss you?"

"Stop, you're making him feel worse," Drey laughed from his other side, not failing to note his best friend's growing discomfort. Lorien had always been the quiet, shy one in their group, yet they all sought him out when they needed someone to talk to. He was sincere, discreet and never judged you, no matter what you told him. Drey remembered the time when, at age eleven, he had stolen Pa Rupert's apples from his garden and had spent the following two hours in torment. It was Lorien who had noticed that there was something bothering him and he had found himself confessing his 'crime' to his friend. Lorien had listened, then had asked just one question -

"Are you sorry?"

He had just nodded, with tears spilling out of his eyes like a dam had broken. Then he had shown Lorien where he had hidden the apples and his friend swiftly picked them up and left without a word. It was only later that Drey learned that Lorien had gone straight to his grandmother telling her everything except the name of the culprit. And that was how the strong bond between the two boys had found its roots, built on trust and brotherly affection. So, it was not surprising that Lorien was the first to learn about Drey's crush on Zana and he had been instrumental in getting them together a little over two years ago.

"Hey Drey, you're spacing out," Teo waved his hand in front of his cousin's face.

"What? Oh yeah I guess I was," he smiled sheepishly.

"Lev is getting the drinks. What are you having?" Zana asked.

"White wine please," Drey smiled at his friends and looked to the side at Lorien. "What are you having?"

"The usual of course."

"Oh, come on Lorien, it is your Birthday," Zana huffed at him.

"And that is why I don't want to be sick tomorrow. You know what happened last time," Lorien answered.

"But that was because the beer was cheap and disgusting."

"Maybe, but we all know I cannot tolerate any alcohol."

"Fine," Zana huffed again. "I'm going to the ladies', be back in a sec."

Lorien looked around and realised that he and Drey were the only ones at the table.

"Teo went to help Lev," Drey said. Then, "Do you think you'll have the same dream again?"

Drey was the only one who knew of the dream besides Lorien's grandmother.

"I've had it for the past six years, so..." Lorien's voice trailed off.

"Why do I get the feeling there is something more tonight?"

Lorien's head shot up at this. Then he sighed and looked back down.

"You know me too well, Drey."

"As you know me."

"I've been accepted."

"What?" Drey's eyes flew open in surprise. "But that's great news! I always told you you'll be the next Picasso," he grinned, hitting his friend's arm playfully.

"Hardly, my style is nothing like his," Lorien smiled, albeit a little sadly.

"Why aren't you as happy as you should be? This is what you wanted, no?"

Another sigh. "Yes, it is. Getting accepted in the most prestigious art school in the country has always been my dream, apart from the yearly weird one I'm always having," he tried to say lightly.


"So, it also means I have to leave Grandmama, leave all my friends, leave you. This is my home and moving to the city is not something I'm looking forward to."

"Hey, everything is hard in the beginning but we'll keep in touch and you'll make new friends too. I'm sure you'll have plenty of things to talk about, seeing as you'll be with people who share your same interests."

"Strangers. I'll be with strangers. You know how awkward I am around people I don't know."

"You'll be fine Lorien, once they find out what a caring, intelligent, talented person you are. I have no doubt about that."

There was a moment of silence then came the inevitable question.

"When do you have to leave?"

It was then that Lev and Teo returned with the drinks, bickering between them as usual, and Zana slumped into the seat next to Drey.

"Let's make a toast," Lev shouted. They all grabbed their glass.

"To Lorien," Zana smiled.

"To friendship," Teo was next.

"To new beginnings," Drey looked at his best friend affectionately.

"To fond memories," Lorien's voice was almost a whisper.

Later that night, while preparing for bed, Lorien realised that he never answered his friend's question. 

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