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Oh my God, I killed him, was the first desperate thought that shot through Lorien's mind as he dropped to his knees next to Koray. He was relieved to hear soft breaths coming out from between the boy's lips – the same lips that had touched his own just a few seconds ago.

Oh my God did he – did we? A soft whimper interrupted his thoughts as he began to feel cold and dizzy at the same time. Come on Lorien, get a grip, he chided himself as he got up to open his door and switch on the light. Next, he calmed himself, before placing his hands under the boy's arms and lifting a still unconscious Koray slightly off the ground. He slowly dragged him into the room and lay him on his bed with some difficulty. He checked on him again and listened to his slow, rhythmic breathing. He took this opportunity to look at his face once again starting from those silver lashes, to his small round nose down to his lips that were slightly parted. Mesmerised, Lorien could not help but notice that his bottom lip was slightly fuller than his top one, which was formed into a shapely cupid's bough. He shook his head as if to rid himself of any thoughts and tried to concentrate on keeping calm.

It was then that he noticed that the black tee that Koray was wearing had bunched up, revealing the boy's pale skin around his waist and side. And it was then that Lorien noticed the patch of angry inflamed skin about the size of his fist. No wonder the guy always seemed to be holding his side – that must be uncomfortable, Lorien thought. Almost immediately, Lorien remembered Melia's words.

You have the power to destroy but you also have the power to heal.

Lorien's breath slowed as he looked up at Koray's face then closed his eyes. He allowed the warmth from his heart to radiate out onto his shoulders, down his arms and into the palms of his hands right to his fingertips. Taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes and placed his left palm on Koray's right side. As soon as his hand made contact with the boy's skin, Lorien felt himself being carried into another dimension. He closed his eyes again, feeling nothing but his heart beating in sync with the other's. Koray's skin felt like soft silk and once again, the scent of strawberries and cinnamon hit his senses. A tingling sensation glided up his fingers, through his arms, down to his heart and up into his scalp – a soothing sensation which made him smile unknowingly.

Suddenly, he felt the other boy move slightly beneath his touch, so he opened his eyes and retracted his hand. He looked up at Koray's face, only to see the young man still sleeping peacefully, his breathing even. Lorien looked back down at the young man's side to see that the red rash was gone. He was about to pull down the boy's shirt, when he saw it.

A birthmark, in the distinct shape of a crescent moon.


Everything was falling apart and Ty was getting more desperate by the second. He had just argued with his best friend and the girl he was crushing on would probably never speak to him again. She had not replied to his text, nor had Rylan answered any of his calls. All because of that snake – Drey. Ty raked his fingers through his hair as he tried to reach Rylan one more time. The call was diverted directly to voicemail. He tried calling Koray but he kept hearing the ringing tone. Seems that everyone was pissed off at him right now. He grabbed his jacket and hurriedly left the dorm.


The sound of a mobile phone ringing brought Lorien to his senses. It rang for about eight times before falling silent again. Must be Koray's, he thought, as the silver-haired male stirred, turned around on his back and stretched. As he slowly opened his eyes, Lorien kept wondering how he should react – should he act like nothing happened, should he mention the kiss? Chances were, Koray wouldn't even remember it, or perhaps it meant nothing to him. Which brought another question to Lorien's mind. Did the kiss mean anything to Lorien? If he had to be truthful to himself, he would have to admit that he did feel something, but it was probably just the surprise, nothing more. Yes that is all it was – just the shock of feeling someone else's lips on his own for the first time.

"Lorien?" a groggy Koray was trying to sit up in bed.

"Hey, erm, how are you feeling? You kind of fainted, so I thought it would be best to bring you inside..."

Koray just hummed and nodded, another awkward silence following.

"Can you sit up? Would you like some water?"

"Water would be good, thanks," the boy replied, sitting up straighter. As Lorien walked towards the fridge, he could not help but notice the other checking out his right side under his tee. He also heard the sharp intake of breath as Koray pulled his shirt down and swung his legs to the side of the bed, so as to face Lorien, who handed him a water bottle, taking one himself. For a few more minutes, nothing could be heard except their breathing and swallowing as they drank in silence.

"I should get back to my room," Koray stood up a bit unsteadily.

"Will you be okay?" Lorien looked everywhere except at the handsome guy in front of him.

"Yeah, erm, thanks for the water and all the... help," Koray said nervously, making his way towards the door.

"No problem."

Koray was about to open the door when he turned around, looking straight into Lorien's dark eyes.



"About what happened earlier, you know.... out there," his voice was barely above a whisper. Lorien felt his cheeks get hotter as he saw Koray smile. "I'm sorry if, erm, you know, if it bothered you. I shouldn't have just come on to you. I mean, we don't even know each other and... I guess I got carried away erm..." He took a deep breath.

"I am a very direct person and I say and do whatever I feel like in the moment, so..." he turned to leave.

"It's okay. I liked it," Lorien replied before he could change his mind. He was sure that even his neck and ears were burning crimson right now.

"Yeah?" Koray's smile got wider. "In that case, would you give me your number?"

"Only if you give me yours," the dark-haired boy replied shyly, still amazed as to how he had managed to pluck up so much courage. Koray took his phone out of his pocket and frowned slightly as he looked at the screen. He tapped a few keys and handed it to Lorien.

"Please," he said. Lorien did the same with his phone.

"So, I'll text you, maybe we can hang out sometime?" Koray was already out the door.

"I'd like that." 

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