Present 1

30 3 0

Lorien was gliding down the wide, airy corridor, the soft curtains billowing around him because of the breeze coming in through the large, open windows. The scent of morning dew, freshly picked strawberries and cinnamon filled his nostrils, making him feel light-headed, giddy, happy. He walked on through the sea of white. He could feel himself smile.



Come to me...

You know you want to ...

He reached the end of the corridor and looked into the mirror.


You must choose, Lorien...

Come to me...

Left or right...

Koray stared back at him, eyes glistening like moon beams. Looking both left and right, Lorien realised that there were passageways on either side.

You must choose, Lorien...

Left or right...

He woke up, looking at the time on his phone.


He shot up in bed, eyes wide in realisation.

It was mid-May – his birthday was seven months away. 

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