Flashback 5

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I am once more in the dark corridor, with the candle in my hand. I can hear the howling wind finding its way inside through the crevices in the walls. The musty smell of decay and mould is filling my nostrils yet, as always, I find it intoxicating, alluring. I watch the flame dance as I hold the candle tightly. I look up and there are the steep stairs. So I make my way up.

Stair after stair...

Step after step...



I reach the large door and stretch out my hand to touch the handle. The candle flame dies out, yet it is not dark. I am pulled into the room by some kind of invisible string. Cautiously, I step in.

"Why are you here?"

"I don't know."

"I think you do. You are here because it is time for you to choose."

I am breathing deeply, the air in the room stifling, dusty, mouldy.

Again, the same voice, "Why are you here?"

"I don't know," I think once more in my head not speaking the words out.

"You have to choose or stay away..."

"Stay away..."

"Choose or stay away..."

The voice fades into nothing as I wake up drenched in sweat.

It is my 19th birthday and the time is 1:23am. 

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