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The two just looked at each other for a few seconds. Lorien saw Koray's beautiful silver-grey eyes looking into his and he wondered if he was hallucinating. Is this another dream? Perhaps that sunflower tea is too strong. Then Koray spoke and Lorien wanted to drown in that sound. He wanted to hear nothing else.

"I know I'm the last person you want to see right now, but I wanted to give you this." He took off the pendant and offered it to Lorien. "I'll just – I'll just go now."

Lorien's hand came out but not to take the pendant. He took a firm hold on Koray's wrist and gently pulled him inside. He was aware of the door softly closing and he was aware of the storm outside. He couldn't talk; his tongue felt heavy and he wondered if all this was the effect of some drug in the tea. He realised that his hand was still holding Koray's wrist as he looked up into Koray's beautiful eyes again. Koray moved closer and placed his other arm tentatively on his side, drawing him closer.

"Is it okay if I hold you?" Koray whispered making Lorien's heart race. He nodded and let go of Koray's wrist. Koray's arm snaked from his side all the way to his back, while the other went to the back of Lorien's head, playing with his raven locks as he pulled him closer.

"Is this okay?" he asked again and Lorien again nodded, still unable to utter a word. "And this?" Koray's lips – soft, warm – were touching his forehead. Lorien felt like he was melting, his heart booming and his legs about to give up on him.

"What about this?" Koray's lips now grazed his cheeks, first one then the other, then he kissed his eyes, lips getting wet as he tasted the salty tears that appeared under Lorien's closed eyelids.

"Shh Darling, don't cry," his forehead was now against Lorien's as he held him tighter, closer.

"I was so stupid, Lorien. I'm so sorry I hurt you so much. I – I never meant what I said. I – I could never -" He was silenced by Lorien's sweet lips finding his own and they moved in sync, reluctantly parting to breathe a short moment later. Koray kissed his cheek again, then nibbled on Lorien's jawline, down to his chin and all the way back to his ear.

"I missed you, Lorien," he said softly, voice deep and sensual, his breath causing sensations just by meeting Lorien's ear. "I missed this," more kisses on his ear lobe and down to Lorien's neck.

"I missed us." Lorien's breath faltered as a small whimper escaped through his lips. He had not realised that his arms were around Koray's neck and his fingers were playing with the lovely silver strands of Koray's hair. Koray's wet hair. It dawned on Lorien that the boy was soaking wet and was about to pull away when Koray held him tighter.

"I don't care right now," Koray husked as if sensing his thoughts. "I just want to stay like this." Once more he looked into Lorien's black eyes.

"I love you so much Lorien, so, so much," and that is when Lorien's legs gave way and he would have fallen if he wasn't being held so tightly, so securely. He opened his mouth, yet no sound came out, so he looked into those silver eyes once more and connected their lips. This time the kiss grew heated as Koray's tongue brushed against his lips and he parted them. As their tongues touched, their bodies drew closer, wanting to leave no space between them. They had been separated for far too long and now it seemed like they wanted to make up for lost time.

"Can you forgive me, Lorien? Can you find it in your heart to give me a second chance?" Koray whispered as their lips parted. Lorien just hugged him and nodded, with his cheek pressed against Koray's wet jacket. He then moved slightly away and helped his boyfriend out of the garment. His eyes widened as he saw the blood on his shirt but Koray shrugged it off.

"It's nothing Darling. Come here." As he was about to put the pendant around Lorien's neck, the younger stopped him and helped him wear it instead. They both looked into each other's eyes yet again and smiled. Then they both moved closer again as Koray's kisses became more urgent, frantic, sensual. He teased Lorien's bottom lip between his teeth and sucked on it gently, eliciting another moan out of Lorien, who was desperate to say something, anything, tell Koray how he felt. Yet he was still tongue-tied.

"I love you so much," Koray said again and began sucking on Lorien's ear lobe. This was driving the younger crazy as he felt his whole body respond. Koray's eyes were lost in his own with a look that spoke a million emotions and feelings.

"I want you Lorien... I want to love you. I need to show you how much you mean to me." More soft kisses along Lorien's jawline, making his breathing falter. "I need to kiss you... I need to touch you..." Koray's hand was stroking up and down his back, getting dangerously low as the dark-haired male pressed his body closer to Koray's.

"I want to worship you," Koray's voice was so deep, just the sound of that voice was doing things to Lorien's body. He was feeling aroused, excited, yet at the same time safe, loved.

"Will you let me love you?" Lorien nodded and he felt Koray push him gently against the wall as he pressed his thigh between the younger's legs.

"Burn me in your fire, Lorien."

And just like that, Lorien felt a spark ignite in the depths of his soul. It flickered and grew into a flame that sparked a myriad of sensations within him. The ice block that had been encasing his heart burst into nothing as he closed his eyes and felt a roaring fire spread from his chest out to his hands and feet. He opened his eyes and felt like he was floating.

Koray watched fascinated as Lorien transformed right in front of him. Lorien's dark eyes turned hazel with specks of orange and red that radiated nothing but warmth and love. Koray was mesmerised as he saw highlights of red and orange snake through his boyfriend's raven locks, making him look almost unreal.

Beautiful just like the setting sun.

Gorgeous just like the waking moon.

You can hear my thoughts, Darling?

More like feel them within me.

I love you, Lorien.

I love you so much, Koray.

Lorien took Koray's hand in his as they walked towards Lorien's bedroom. Once they got inside, Koray immediately locked his lips with Lorien's as they frantically undressed while caressing each other. As Koray was about to take off the pendant, he felt Lorien once more.

Keep it on.

Lorien was afraid, yet excited as he lay his head on the pillow, looking up at his lover.

Are you sure you want to do this?

Yes, I don't want anything else.

And as their bodies moulded into one in a celebration of their profound love, they were only aware of each other, only breathed, smelled, touched, felt each other. The rest of the world ceased to exist. 

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