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"What do you want me to do?"

A pause.

"How am I supposed to do that?"

A longer pause, while the person on this side of the line breathed heavily.

"I'll do my best, but I cannot promise anything."

Wilford was walking down the corridor about to turn the corner, when he heard a one-sided conversation. The voice was familiar, but he could not place it and had no idea what this was about. Yet, he had the feeling it was something he was not supposed to have heard, nor anyone else for that matter. By the time he turned the corner, there was nothing but silence. However, he had not imagined the whole thing, he was sure of that.


Melia was having a hard time sleeping. Every time she put her head on the pillow, her mind was inundated with thoughts. She could not help feeling that she was somehow failing, but she put it all down to pressure due to the upcoming competition. She was quite happy with the choice she made and was working hard on her piece, but somehow it was not reaching the standard she was aiming for.

She was also worried about Lorien. Ever since he had learned about Koray's offer to go to America, he had become reserved and introverted once more, just as he had been when they had first met. And she had no idea how to help him. He never talked to her; what she knew was through Wilford, who always voiced his worries about Lorien to her. She could understand that Wilford found it awkward talking to Auryn about Lorien, considering she was Koray's sister. Melia had no problem sharing Wilford's worries; her only problem was that she had no idea how to help Lorien, or what was going through his mind. She reminded him from time to time that she was there to help him, guide and protect him, to which the dark-haired boy always nodded, saying nothing. Melia also asked him constantly whether he was practising his skills, to which he always answered yes, he was.

The blue-haired girl huffed as she turned one more time, trying to find a comfortable position, hoping she could drift back to sleep.


Ty looked across at his roommate's sleeping form. He was so proud of him, he loved him like his brother, yet sometimes, he failed to show him he only had his best interests at heart. Like a few days before, apart from barging in at the worst moment, he felt that he spoke too harshly to his friend. He knew Koray was always cautious in his previous relationships and he was sure this was the first time Koray was feeling so close to someone. He had even mentioned being 'in love' with Lorien, something he never talked about before.

Ty sighed. How were Koray's parents going to react to this relationship, if Koray ever got to telling them about it? And what about him? Was he being a good friend? Should he encourage Koray seeing how happy he was at the moment? Should he try to interfere, knowing that he had this gut feeling constantly gnawing at his insides, warning him not to trust Lorien? Was it even his place to think these things? But of course it was. He was Koray's best friend. He, Koray and Rylan would always be there for each other. So yes, he owed it to both his friends to give them good advice and make sure they keep their eyes open. And if Koray falls too hard, he would have to be there to catch him. With that thought, Ty closed his eyes and went back to sleep.


The painting was progressing right on schedule and Lorien was extremely satisfied with how it was turning out. He had decided to start with the two figures in the foreground first, seeing as they were the main focus of the picture. He was very happy with the tones of silver and gold and how they melded and blended into each other. His mentor had nothing but praise for his work and was full of encouragement.

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