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As the two boys approached the girls' common room, they could already hear the music and the lively chatter among the other students. The minute they stepped in, they started looking around, trying to find Melia. And sure enough, they spotted her next to a table laid out with an array of finger foods, talking to a smaller, blonde girl.

"How come the cakes are not here yet? We can't have a party without - "

"Chill, Melia, my brother promised me he would be picking the boxes up on the way."

"Can we trust him though?"

"Of course we can... Erm, Melia, are these boys here for you?" the blonde girl had spotted Lorien and Wilford standing there. Melia turned round and a smile spread across her lips.

"Hey you guys, so glad you came. Auryn, these are Lorien and Wilford. Guys, this is my roommate Auryn, aka the mastermind behind this get together." The boys smiled and, without thinking, Wilford handed Auryn the calla lily he was holding.

"Pleased to meet you Auryn." The girl blushed crimson, taking the flower in her delicate hand, at a loss for words.

"Oh, erm, for you Melia," Lorien stammered embarrassed as he handed her the sunflower. "Erm, I - I hope you like it. I chose my favourite flower as it brings me happiness..."

"Chill Lorien this was sweet of you," kissing him lightly on the cheek, while glaring playfully at Wilford who had not taken his eyes off her roommate. "Breathe Wilford," she nudged him rather savagely, almost knocking him off balance. "Let me find some water for these. Keep them company Auryn, will you please?" And she was gone.

"So, what courses are you following?" Auryn asked.

"I'm doing Interior Design as my major, while Lorien here is doing Advanced Art," Wilford replied, his eyes still on the petite girl in front of him.

"Advanced Art – wow I heard that is a tough course, very vast and demanding," Auryn looked up at Lorien.

"Well it is, but I love it so far, so I'm not complaining," Lorien replied awkwardly.

"I was thinking of taking Interior Design to tell you the truth, but my parents -"

Suddenly, the girl's voice faded and Lorien could hear nothing but a familiar buzzing in his ears. He immediately leaned against the wall for support as his breathing slowed and an ice-cold grip spread around his heart. Without knowing why, he placed his hand over his shirt where he knew the pendant was underneath and the buzzing decreased. He was still feeling incredibly cold though.

The girl, Auryn, was still talking and Wilford was giving her his full attention, so both failed to notice a guy and girl approaching them with boxes in their hands.

"Hey Auryn," the girl said, a frown visible on her attractive face.

"Oh, Sen, Rylan – oh you got the cakes. That's great. Melia was already freaking out because we had no dessert. I told her you guys... hey wait, where's my brother and Ty?" While talking, the girl had motioned for the couple to place the boxes on a smaller table, where she opened each one and started to place the fancy cakes on plates. At her question, the two looked at each other awkwardly and then the guy replied.

"Erm, they were kind of held up." He flicked a look at the girl by his side, who nodded.

"Held up? What do you mean held up? Anyway, sorry how rude of me – this is Wilford and his friend," she looked behind the boy and only then noticed a very pale Lorien clutching his chest. "Wilford, is your friend okay?"

Wilford looked at Lorien who nodded, trying to assure his friend that he was fine.

"Do you need something to drink?" Auryn asked concerned.

"Some water please," Lorien managed to croak, and it was then that he noticed Wilford's anxious eyes widen.

"Guys, please continue placing these here," Auryn indicated the cakes and the plates, then to Wilford, "I'll get him some water." With that, she scurried off.

"Hey man, what's wrong? I know you're not okay so don't give me any bullshit," Wilford said concerned.

"I just feel a bit cold, that's all. I'll be fine with some water," Lorien tried to brush it off.

At that moment, Melia and Auryn both returned, the former holding a glass of water which she handed to Lorien. Auryn had a tray with four other glasses which she offered to Wilford and her two friends.

"How come my brother is still not here yet?" Auryn frowned. "Is he okay? He didn't -"

At that moment, Lorien watched the whole room freeze to a standstill as a silver-haired boy – the silver-haired boy in his dream – appeared behind the petite girl. In slow motion, the boy put one hand to his right side and seemed to wince in pain, while with his other, he grabbed the arm of the tall guy who was next to him, seemingly for support. It was then that the boy looked up straight into Lorien's eyes and his lips formed a small 'O'.

Lorien could hear nothing except his heart trying to beat itself out of the ice-cold grip around it; he could feel nothing except the heat from his pendant almost fighting against the cold surrounding him. Then, just as suddenly, the whole room came alive again with a loud whoosh.

Auryn's lips broke into a smile as she looked up at the silver-haired boy and said, "Finally, there you are! I want you to meet our new friends. This is Wilford. He gave me a flower." At this, the guy's eyes moved away from Lorien and briefly looked Wilford up and down.

"That one over there is Lorien," Auryn continued. "Guys, this is my brother, Koray."

A pair of hazel eyes, flecked with orange and red, met with grey ones, streaked with blue. And time stood still once again. 

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