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Koray could not believe he would be returning to school for the last semester in two weeks' time. He had been so busy and worked so hard. His fingers were swollen and full of blisters but it was all worth it to him. His studio felt like heaven and everywhere he looked he could see pieces he created, perfected and fussed over until he was sure they were exactly the way he wanted them to be. He thanked the heavens he had this gift, this ability to carve, sculpt and create stories from marble, wood or any other material he could lay his hands on.

This afternoon found him numbering and cataloguing each piece that would be shipped to America the next week. His dad's accountant had been busy consulting their insurance company to make sure each piece was properly insured. The following day, the 'moving experts' his dad had hired would come to start packing.

Koray moved to the centre of the studio, where his favourite masterpiece stood. It was his first attempt in crystal, and he was extremely happy with how it turned out – two hands with their fingers intertwined. Koray took out his phone and looked for the photo that had inspired him to make it. He had taken it the night they had all gone to the pub; that same night when Lorien's grandmother was taken to hospital.

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Perhaps he should not ship this piece but take it with him. It was too fragile, too precious, just like his relationship with Lorien, fragile and precious. He could not help but feel that he would be taking a part of Lorien with him. He knew for certain, that he would be leaving a huge chunk of his heart behind.

Am I being stupid? Am I crazy?

He was surprised to feel the now familiar, yet invisible blanket of warmth envelope him.

You are neither, Koray, you're simply in love.

He felt rather than heard the words.

Simply? My feelings are anything but simple... I can't wait to leave, yet... I'm leaving a part of me here. A very important part of me. And I'm still so angry at – at...

He sighed.

I'm just angry at Lorien, at myself, yeah at myself mostly. Well, this is my life now and Lorien is not in it... He – he won't ever be.

Koray raked his fingers through his hair in frustration.

Stop and listen to what your heart is telling you, Koray. Just stop and listen... stop and listen....

"Koray, have you gone deaf?" The warmth was gone as Koray looked around to see his father walking briskly towards him.

"I'm sorry, Father, I was busy numbering the pieces," Koray shoved his phone into his pocket and walked away from the crystal sculpture. For some reason, he didn't want to draw his father's attention to it.

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