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Drey was sitting opposite a tired-looking Lorien at a corner table in a small coffee shop at the city centre. Drey could see the dark circles under his friend's eyes. It was Sunday afternoon and Drey, Zana and Lev would be leaving in about four hours.

"So, you want to go first?" Drey asked. "What's bothering you?"

"Nothing really, I just did not get much sleep last night. Anyway, I have something to tell you and I'm not sure how you're going to take it."

"You can tell me anything Lorien. I won't think any less of you. You know that, right?"

"Yes, I know, it's that I'm a bit confused right now, erm... my feelings are sort of all over the place," Lorien huffed.

"Feelings, huh?" Drey's eyebrows shot up as he smiled a little. "Don't tell me someone has caught our Lorien under their spell?"

Lorien blushed furiously. "I got my first kiss," he whispered.

"Hallelujah! So how was it? Who is she? A girl from the school? Was she at the exhibition? Wait -" Drey frowned. "Don't tell me it's Melia?"

Lorien squirmed in his seat.

"Lorien, it's not Melia, right? Ty is also interested in her. How did -"

"No Drey it's not Melia. Erm... it's not... it's..."

"Geez, Lorien, take a deep breath and tell me when you're ready. I'll just shut up and listen."

Lorien looked up at the ceiling, then back down at his hands on his lap, his coffee untouched on the table in front of him.

"It's not Melia, Drey. In fact it's not even a girl. I kissed a guy, or rather, he kissed me but... oh God, Drey, it felt good, I felt... I like him Drey..." his voice trailed off and he closed his eyes, waiting for his friend's outburst.

There was nothing but silence.

Lorien opened his eyes to see his friend looking at him, his expression unreadable.

"Drey?" he swallowed the lump that was growing in his throat.

"Okay, erm, first of all, I want you to know that it's okay Lorien. I just need some time to process what you just told me, but hey, it's fine. I'm happy for you... I just was not expecting this, so, sorry erm... May I ask who it is?"

"His name is Koray. He is -"

"Ty's best friend. I know who he is. World famous sculptor who is also the most mysterious and elusive talented artist we have around."


"He refuses to give interviews and you would not find his picture anywhere. Any publishing house who decides to print his image would be committing business suicide. His parents would sue without batting an eyelid."

At these words, Lorien realised how obvious it had been to Koray that he had lied regarding his portrait.

"Anyway," Drey was still talking, "so the guy kissed you... So, are you an item now?"

" Well, not exactly, erm, he just kissed me and we exchanged numbers..." again Lorien's voice trailed off.


"That's it, I guess," Lorien shrugged. Suddenly, he began to feel really embarrassed and stupid. Was he really making such a big deal out of one kiss? Koray himself told him that he acted impulsively on the spur of the moment. Most probably, it was not going to lead to anything more. The guy just felt like kissing him, for God knows what reason, and he just went for it. Probably was curious to know what it would feel like to kiss someone of the same gender, and Lorien just happened to be right there – stupid, gullible Lorien. Why was he such an idiot? Tears started prickling the corners of his eyes. Could this get even more embarrassing?

"Hey Lorien, what's wrong?" Drey's voice was now laced with genuine concern.

"Nothing, I'm just tired and a bit sad that you're leaving today and I'm feeling so insecure right now."

"Hey man, come on, was it something I said? I didn't mean to upset you Lorien, but you know how we promised each other we would always tell each other exactly how we feel?" Drey asked. Lorien nodded sadly.

"Feel with your heart, Lorien, but think with your head. I don't want you rushing too fast and falling too hard. I don't want you getting hurt, okay. And if the jerk breaks your heart, I'll break his neck, okay?"

Lorien smiled faintly at this. He knew Drey, as well as his other friends, would always have his back and he was grateful for their friendship.

"Hey, I didn't mean to call the guy a jerk, I hardly know him. But judging from his choice of friends... well let's just say my friends are better," Drey grinned and Lorien smiled too.

"So, I guess you want to know what Ty was on about, right?"

"If you want to talk about it, sure," Lorien replied.

"Okay, so you know my dad got that big contract at the beginning of last year? For Starlight Corporation?" Lorien nodded. "Well, turns out the huge multi-national company belongs to – you guessed it - Ty's father. Anyway, they had this glitzy reception coming up at the company's headquarters, so my dad had to redesign their whole outdoor area. Their gardens are massive and they wanted to include four fountains, paving, lights and all the trimmings. Naturally, I was there with my dad to help out and one afternoon, I crossed paths with Ty. Koray and Rylan were with him, as well as another guy. Ty came right into my face complaining that the work done on one of the fountains was shitty and threatening not to pay. I tried to keep my cool, stating that I would look into the matter." Drey paused to take a sip of his coffee.

"Anyway, the matter was solved in a few minutes and works continued with no more incidents. Until we got to the night of the party. My dad and I were there on standby, together with a couple of trusted employees, to make sure that lights, fountains et cetera were functioning smoothly. I was strolling around, when I came face to face with Ty, Koray and the other guy again. Turns out Ty had had a little bit too much to drink and he decided to have some fun at my expense. He started calling me peasant boy, following me, taunting me, calling me all the names under the sun. I did my best to ignore him, until he mentioned my mum and that's when I lost it. I turned around and punched him in the face sending him into a patch of hortensias, tuxedo and all.

"I went straight to my dad, told him what I did and left, scared that my dad would lose the contract, but happy that I defended my mum's memory." Lorien squeezed his friend's hand and nodded for him to go on.

"My dad went to speak to Mr Noi, Ty's father, and not only did he not lose his contract, but Ty's dad made Ty apologise to me in front of his friends a couple of days later. I also learned that he had no car or allowances for a whole month. I guess he still holds a grudge, even after all this time."

Both boys fell silent for a while, then Drey looked at his watch reluctantly.

"I got to head back."

Lorien never felt so alone as much as he did after waving his friends off at the station. 

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