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If what Melia just said confused Lorien, what she did next took him completely by surprise. She went straight to the door and locked it.

"I'm not sure I understand - "Lorien began.

Melia took a deep breath and said, "Please hear me out. It is important that what I have to say stays between us, and I really don't want anyone or anything interrupting so..." her voice trailed off as she eyed the door.

"Okay, I'm listening." Lorien sat down on his bed, while the girl took a seat opposite him on Wilford's mattress.

"Erm, okay... so I know who you are Lorien. I know you are a Child of the Sun." At these words, a shocked Lorien stood up, his grandmother's words tumbling back into his mind as the memory from that day flooded in.

You are a Child of the Sun, Lorien. Promise me you will never let anyone put out the fire that is within you. That fire is who you are, treat it with respect and use it well. But don't let anyone extinguish your flame. Do you understand?

"Please Lorien hear me out as this is important," Melia was still eerily calm. "I am Melia Bur – I am a Child of Spells." At this, Lorien raised his eyebrows as he sat back down. "I am here to help you, guide you and protect you. My Auntie Aye sent me because your grandmother requested it."

"You know my grandmother?"

"I never met her personally but Arlinda – that's my aunt – is her best friend. And not only that, when Ma Narcissa makes a request, especially concerning her grandson's safety, well – a request from her does not go ignored."

"Oh?" Lorien was puzzled now. "I had no idea my grandmother is so... erm..."

"Important? Influential? I think there's a lot that you don't know Lorien. To begin with, your grandmother is the Head of the Clan of the Sun."

"Clan of the Sun? Like some pre-historic tribe?" Lorien scoffed then stopped, seeing the frown on his friend's face. "Sorry," he mumbled.

"Your grandmother has dedicated her whole life to protecting you. So when she learned that you would be leaving to come here, she asked my aunt to create something that would act as a temporary shield until you could learn to master your skills. The pendant you have was hand-crafted by my aunt – you won't find another one like it anywhere."

Lorien took the pendant out of his pocket and looked at it. It shone and shimmered as he stroked it with his finger.

"Wait - you just said temporary shield? And you mentioned skills? What skills?"

"That is where I come in, I guess. As a Child of the Sun, you have special skills that you need to know how to use, especially to protect yourself. So, shall we start?"


"Stand up, Lorien."

Lorien did as he was told. Melia stood up as well and took both Lorien's hands into hers and intertwined their fingers. She closed her eyes and Lorien did the same.

"Now Lorien, breathe slowly and think of a warm, welcoming fire... like... like a fireplace or a campfire. Think of its warm glow, the welcoming heat it radiates." Melia opened her eyes and saw Lorien's features soften as a comforting warmth was transferred into her whole body through their joined hands. She felt calm, tranquil, happy even.

"Now Lorien, I need you to think of a larger fire, a whole volcano of bubbling lava, sizzling, dangerous." She gulped as Lorien – eyes still closed – began to transform in front of her. His features suddenly hardened, his eyebrows frowned and lips a thin line. And his hair – it seemed like flames were licking their way out of his raven locks and leaving their orange and red trails wherever they snaked. Melia was awestruck when suddenly a scorching heat reached her hands and she screamed as she fell back onto Wilford's bed.

Shocked, Lorien opened his eyes and looked at his friend. Burn marks were clearly visible on the palms of her hands.

"Oh my God Melia, I am so sorry," he panicked. "Let me... erm... let me get some ice. Do you want to rinse them in cold water -"

"Lorien, it's okay, calm down," she breathed. "I don't need any of that."

"But your hands -"

"Calm down. Now close your eyes and place your palms on mine. Think of the soft glow of the fireplace again."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Lorien. Go ahead," Melia smiled as Lorien closed his eyes and placed his hands on hers. The burning in her hands started diminishing as the red and purple marks faded away. Fascinated, Melia saw her friend's facial expression soften once more as his hair darkened.

"It's okay Lorien. You can open your eyes now," she whispered. Lorien did and was bewildered to see the girl's hands completely healed.

"Now do you understand Lorien? You have the power to destroy, but you also have the power to heal. And," she paused, pulling the boy to sit next to her, "because of your dreams it is evident that you are also the Chosen One."

Lorien held his breath.

"You know about the dreams? And – wait, what do you mean? Chosen for what?"

"I don't know the answer to that, Lorien. All I know is that the dreams represent something that is still to come."

"I saw Koray in my last dream, even though I had never seen him before," Lorien whispered. "And I don't know why, I feel funny when he is around." He saw Melia frown at that and continued. "I feel cold inside and the pendant becomes really hot and -"

"Remember your powers, Lorien. Soon you will not need the pendant but only the strength you have inside. But remember... You need to protect yourself. That is all I can tell you right now." Melia jumped up from her seat and walked to the door.

She left the room before Lorien could utter another word.

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