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Wilford had returned to the school three days earlier together with his friends, with the exception of Lorien and Koray who had stayed at Lorien's home to finish settling some financial matters. They were both expected to return soon, though. Wilford was struggling with his work – the project he would be submitting for the competition – even though he had been given an extension of a week to present the finished work. To make matters worse, during today's session, he had accidentally dropped carmine red paint right in the middle of his work, forming a rather large splatter, and he had no idea how to be able to cover this up. He was on his way to the dorm to try and look at possible solutions over the internet, and as he turned the corner, he saw a hooded figure leaving his room. Had Lorien and Koray returned?

"Hey, Lorien," he shouted as he quickened his pace. The figure made no sign of having heard him however, and kept on walking away. Frowning slightly, Wilford reached the room, still watching the grey hoodie and black sweat pants walking away down the corridor. Wilford opened the door with his key, expecting to see Lorien's suitcases there. Yet the room was exactly as he had left it that morning. He looked out into the corridor again, but the figure was long gone. Could he have been mistaken? Perhaps whoever it was had come out from the room next door? Wilford shrugged, jumped on his bed and got out his phone to start browsing.


Melia was still concerned over her last conversation with her aunt. She kept stressing over the fact that she was not sure what her role actually was. What did her aunt mean when she mentioned her loyalties towards Lorien? Was she protecting him enough? What if he needed her and she was not there? Or worse, what if she did not know how to help him? Her mind drifted back to the word 'loyalties'. Would she have to do something to prove she was 'loyal' to Lorien? How? And how would Ty feel about this? She really liked him and felt that her feelings were getting deeper little by little, as she got to know him more. How would he feel if she had to spend more time with Lorien instead of him? Should she talk to him about this? Just then her phone rang and she could not help but smile when she saw Ty's picture light up on the screen.

"Hello Ty, I was just thinking about you," she smiled sweetly.

"Wow, Mel, I was thinking of you too. I have something I would like to ask you, actually. Shall we meet and go to the coffee shop in the corner? The one that serves the delicious brownies you love so much?"

"Sure, I'll be down by the main gate in five minutes."

Twenty minutes later, the couple was seated at a table in the coffee shop. It was early afternoon so it was not busy, with only a few customers. Ty looked fondly at the blue-haired girl in front of him, taking her right hand in his. This surprised Melia as Ty was not one to show such affection so openly.

"So," he cleared his throat, "I have something to give you... and something to ask you. Here," he took a small box from the pocket of his jacket and placed it rather unceremoniously in front of Melia. Now Melia was even more surprised.

"What's this for?" she asked. Then, "May I open it?"

"Of course."

She took the lid off and there was the daintiest bracelet. Her voice caught in her throat as she noticed the letters M & T engraved in the middle.

"So," Ty was saying, "I was hoping we could take our relationship to the next level. I - I really like you Melia and... I was wondering if you would like to meet my parents?" He frowned slightly when he noticed that Melia had not moved, she had not taken the bracelet out of the box and she had not taken her eyes off the table.

"Okay, erm... okay," he felt stupid and embarrassed. "Maybe I'm rushing things so I'm sorry. And if you hate the bracelet, I could get you -"

"I love it Ty, I'm sorry, it's ... I'm..." Melia had tears in her eyes that were threatening to spill. "Can you help me put it on?" she asked shyly.

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