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"Oh no no no," Lorien sobbed. "I'll take the next train. I'll be there as soon as possible." He burst into tears as soon as he hung up.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"Grandmama's had a stroke. She – she's in the hospital and she's in a bad way. I have to check for train tickets and pack and -"

"Woah, slow down. I'll take you home. Forget the train." Koray was already on his phone. "Ty, I need your help. Can you check if my car has enough petrol in the tank? I'm taking Lorien home." He paused, then, "Get my sister to help you pack my stuff please. I'll be with Lorien." Another pause. "It's his grandmother." In the meantime, he was hurrying towards Lorien's room, holding his boyfriend's hand, his heart clenching as he knew how distraught he was.

As soon as they got to the dorm, Lorien placed his suitcase on the bed and started throwing random clothes in it. In the meantime, Koray went into the bathroom to pick up Lorien's toiletries to hand to him. Neither of them said a word, the only sound was Lorien's muffled sobbing. They were almost done when there was a soft knock on the door and Koray opened to find all their friends there. Ty was carrying his suitcase, while Melia rushed in to hug Lorien.

"Be strong Lorien," she whispered to him as she hugged him tightly. "If you need anything, call okay?" She was trying to hold back her own tears. Then it was Auryn's turn to hug him, while Wilford patted him on the back sympathetically. Then he quickly went round to check that Lorien took all the necessary things he would need.

"Oh God, I almost forgot, we need to sign requests to have our deadlines for the competition extended," Koray exclaimed. "We don't know how long we need to be away."

"Here," Rylan said, "already printed two – sign them. We'll fill them in for you and hand them in tomorrow morning."

"Thanks, man, you're great. You're all wonderful. Thanks really." Koray was touched by the support from all their friends. He knew that Lorien was too shocked to think about anything except his grandmother right now.

"Hey, man," Ty pulled him to the side, "are you sure you're up to the long drive?"

"I have no choice. I have to be with him. I can't let him go alone and definitely not on a train."

"Take care and drive carefully. Let us know when you get there and give us news. The car's right outside the gate."

"Thank you all so much. Lorien, shall we go?" The other nodded, grabbed his suitcase and walked out the door. In a few minutes, they were both in the car, strapped and ready to go. Koray put on some relaxing music.

"Hey, I know it's hard, but try to get some rest, okay?" Lorien nodded and tried to find a comfortable position. Koray started the car and they were off. The ride was going to be a long one, but Koray was relieved to hear Lorien snoring softly about an hour into the drive. After three more hours, Koray stopped at a nearby station to get some coffee and splash some cold water on his face. He was debating whether to wake Lorien up, but he was sleeping so peacefully that he did not have the heart to disturb him. After gulping down two cups of strong coffee and stretching his limbs, Koray restarted the car.

It was dawning when they finally reached Lorien's village. As if sensing the familiar surroundings, Lorien stirred and opened his eyes that were swollen and red from sleep and crying.

"Hi, Darling, we're at your place," Koray said. "Shall we leave the luggage and head to the hospital?"

"Yeah, okay. I need to pee badly and wash my face," Lorien whispered, voice hoarse.

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