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Melia and Ty were both giggling helplessly as they found their way to a table at their favourite coffee shop. They sat down opposite each other and Ty took Melia's hand in his.

"So, you can imagine my mum's face when she saw what I'd done to the poor puppy."

"Oh my, I would have killed you," Melia said all smiles. "Honestly Ty, what did the poor puppy do to you?"

"I really thought it would help if I trimmed its fur. It looked like it was suffering in the heat. Anyway... have you made arrangements at home? Will it be okay for you to come spend some time with me and my family?"

"Mhm. I have to say, my dad was not very thrilled at first, but then he gave in."

"Well, I can understand him, you know. I will be taking you away from him." He squeezed Melia's hand.

"It's only for two weeks," Melia rolled her eyes. "And anyway, when he meets you, he will see that there is nothing for him to worry about."

"I hope so. I hope they will think I'm good enough for their precious daughter." Melia rolled her eyes yet again.

"I know you are more than good enough and that's what matters." She took a sip of her latte as her phone buzzed. Taking it out of her bag, she saw that Lorien was calling her.

"It's Lorien, probably about to tell me he presented his work." She pressed the green button as Ty's phone rang.

"Hi, Lorien, are you ready from the presentation?" She heard nothing at first, then an almost inaudible gasp for breath. "Lorien? Lorien are you okay?" She was starting to feel a sense of dread as she heard Ty on his phone call.

"What's wrong Koray? You seem out of breath," Ty was saying as she spoke to Lorien again.

"Lorien? Lorien I can't hear you." She got up as she saw Ty throw some money on the table, the look on his face changing to worry. There was the rumbling sound of thunder as the first drops of rain were heard splish splashing on the window sills. Ty had hung up, turning to her.

"Something's wrong with Koray. He sounded in pain. Asked me to meet him at the dorm."

"I'm not sure about Lorien but he hasn't spoken to me, yet I can hear his breathing." They were both running now, not caring that they were under a drizzling rain. As soon as they got to the school, the couple parted ways.

"If you need anything let me know okay? And keep in touch."

"Yeah, you too."

Melia ran to Lorien's room and knocked. When she heard nothing, she opened the door slowly and walked cautiously in.

"Lorien, are you in here?"

She switched on the light and it was then that she saw Lorien huddled on the floor by his bed, with the drawer upside down next to him and all the contents on the floor. A bunch of sunflowers was strewn lifelessly around the room.

"Lorien!" She ran to him and was shocked to feel him cold. "Lorien, let's get you off the floor and on the bed." She only got a groan in response. Trying to move him, she found that Lorien was too heavy, so she grabbed the blanket off the bed and covered him with it. She checked that he was breathing regularly and immediately called Wilford for help. Once she was reassured that their friend was on the way, she sat on the floor with Lorien's head in her lap, stroking his face and trying to keep him warm. She felt relieved when he stirred.

"Lorien? Are you okay? Can you talk?" she said softly.

"He - he left me," the dark-haired boy sobbed.

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