Present 2

27 1 0

I am once more in the dark corridor lit with candles. The wind's howling seems louder and the smell of damp and decay stronger. I pick up the candle and walk towards the steep stairs. I start making my way up.

Step after step...

Stair after stair...



I reach the door and touch the handle. It is scorching hot and my candle's flame is snuffed out. Yet I make my way into the room.

"Why are you here?"

"I don't know."

"You are here because it is time. You have to choose or stay away."

"I am ready," I hear myself say.

"Then choose..."

I look down where two large books are lying side by side on a table. I am mesmerised as I have never seen them before.

"Choose left or right..."

"Left or right..."

"Left. I choose the book on the left."

"Open it"

I look at the book's worn leather cover. It looks old, ancient. I touch the cover and open it slowly.

"There is no turning back. You cannot undo what you have just started."

I wake up with a start, throat dry and sweat on my face. The clock on my bedside table says it is 1:23am. But that is not surprising. Still I am shocked as this is not the night before my birthday.

What is happening? What have I just done? 

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