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Ty winced as he looked at his friend's birthmark.

"Man, if I didn't know you since we were six or seven, I would have said that's an infected tattoo. Does it hurt?"

"No, itches like a bitch though," Koray pouted.

"What brought this on? Allergy? Did you have any oranges? Or was it nuts?"

"Chill man," Koray ran a hand through his silver hair. "I don't think it's any allergy. Wouldn't that have an effect on my whole body? And it's kiwi, by the way. That's the only thing that makes me sick."

"Right... So, what did the doctor say?"

"Erm, it was kind of okay when I was in the clinic – only started itching when I got here."

"Why don't you go again?"

"Because I'm not a wimp."

"Come on Koray, the nurse could give you some cream or something."

"Fine, I'll go, just to stop your nagging."

"Want me to come with?"

Koray just glared at his friend and walked out of the room. He was making his way towards the clinic, when he saw a familiar-looking blue-haired girl and a short guy struggling with another figure between them. They were walking in his same direction, though they were quite some distance away. He was beginning to think that they were making their way to the clinic, when they turned round a corner heading to another section of rooms. Koray kept on walking towards the clinic.


"Thanks Melia, I don't know what I would have done without you," Wilford whispered to the girl as she was about to leave.

"No probs. Hope he is okay. You have my number if you need anything." She looked at Lorien's sleeping form for one last time and left.

Wilford dove into his own bed feeling utterly exhausted.

The minute Melia had called him, he had rushed up to the roof to help her bring Lorien back down to their room. He had changed him out of his soaked clothes, while Melia had prepared hot tea for the three of them, yet Lorien had barely touched his. He had not spoken a single word either. The only time he seemed to come to life was when Wilford was about to take off the peculiar pendant he had round his neck. Lorien had simply clutched it, his eyes coming alive momentarily before glazing again. Once dressed in warm clothes, the black-haired boy had murmured his thanks, slid under the covers and instantly fallen asleep. Yet Wilford had seen the colour of his friend's eyes and he was sure that Melia had noticed too. But none of them said a word about it.

Wilford, turned on his side and closed his eyes.


Sleep eluded Melia. She kept twisting and turning in bed until the covers were a huge knot at her feet. If it weren't the middle of the night, she would call her aunt. Her aunt always knew what to do and what to say to calm Melia down. And what possessed her to accept this task? Why did her aunt think she was capable of doing this? Well, her aunt always had a high opinion of Melia, she was always telling everyone what an exemplary, responsible, sensible girl she was. Yet, Melia herself was not so sure. What if she let her aunt and everyone else down? What if she failed?

"Oh no, Melia you must not think like that," she told herself. If Auntie Aye thinks I can do it, then I will try to do my best. I will -"

"Melia," came the groggy voice of her roommate, "are you talking in your sleep? Or are you awake?"

"Sorry Auryn, did I wake you?"

"No, it's fine. I wasn't sleeping anyway."

"Something wrong?"

"Just worried about Koray. Can't forget how he just slumped down lifeless in front of me this afternoon. He was so out of it – kept mumbling strange things too, something about flames and getting burned."

Melia's eyes widened but she could not think of anything to say. 

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