Present 5

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I am standing in the dark corridor lit by candles which are giving out an eerie orange glow. For the first time, I notice how the flames flicker, making the shadows dance awkwardly on the crevice-filled walls. There is the howling wind, which is making its way through but I can hear something else too – the angry rumbling of thunder and the swish swishing of the rain. Lightning cracks like a whip. Still nothing bothers me as I take a candle and make my way through the musty, mouldy corridor towards the stairs. Even the odour is stronger... I make my way up...

Step after step...

Stair after stair...



I reach the door at the top and stretch out my arm, grabbing the scorching hot handle and opening the door. The flame of my candle flickers out as I walk into the room.

"Why are you here?"

"I am ready to choose."

"You have already chosen. There is no turning back. You cannot undo what you have done."

I look down and there is a large open book on a table in the middle of the room. The picture I see shocks me and I take a step back as the sickly-sweet stench of death fills my nostrils.

I open my eyes, only to find myself in the candle-lit corridor once more.

"Why am I here?" I ask as my voice echoes around the walls.

"It is time to reap what you sow."

I make my way once more to the stairs when I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and -

I wake up in bed, drenched in sweat, breathing so hard that my chest hurts. I grab the water bottle and try not to look at the time. Yet, even though I know what time it is, I still look.

It is 1:23am. 

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