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The next few days were full of anticipation and excitement as the exhibition was drawing nearer. Lorien felt somehow calmer and happier, even though he did not fully understand what was expected of him as the Chosen One. Furthermore, all that talk of being part of a clan, as well as learning that Melia was part of a different clan, left him wondering as to how much about himself he did not know.

Since he had not video-called his friends back home for quite a while, he decided to invite them to come and view the exhibition. Although Teo could not make it, the other three were delighted to be able to spend some time with their best friend, as well as see his work and that of others. Lorien was also looking forward to having Wilford and Melia meeting his friends from back home, so he was counting the days until their arrival.

This afternoon found him seated by the fountain with Wilford, both of them enjoying a free period together. Auryn had gone dress shopping with Sen and they had somehow managed to convince Melia to go along with them. The girls had insisted that they needed something appropriate to wear on the night of the exhibition and had coaxed Melia into joining them. They had also planned to do each other's hair and make-up on the day.

"So, how are things between you and Auryn?" Lorien asked to start a conversation.

"Fine, more than fine in fact. Things are great," Wilford smiled. "But you would know if you hung out with us more."

"Can we please not start this again?" Lorien huffed impatiently. "It's not that I don't like Auryn, okay? She is very nice to me and I am happy for you both, but I just don't like... erm... I – I don't feel comfortable around her friends."

"And by her friends you mean her brother," Wilford replied matter-of-factly.

"Oh yeah, him too."

"No, I would say it was just him," his friend insisted. "They are very close Lorien, and to ask Auryn if we could hang out with you without her brother... well you know, that would be awkward," Wilford continued.

"Oh no I wouldn't expect you to do that Wilford, of course not. It's fine, really. We still hang out, no? And I still go to the library, I love it there, so there is no problem."

"Here's an idea – you could come to the diner with Auryn and me, and Auryn could ask Sen to come along. That way you -"

"What? No, no thanks, erm... that would be even more awkward. And isn't Sen dating Rylan or something?"

Wilford chuckled at his friend's outburst. "Oh my God, Lorien. I just suggested you spend time with her not marry her. And to answer your question, no, Rylan and Sen are just friends, definitely not dating. Again, something you would know if -"

"Okay, okay I know, just don't say it again. And... erm... no offence but I don't want to give Sen any wrong impression. I mean, she is cute and all, but I am not interested to get to know her erm... that way..." Lorien continued flustered.

"You're so funny Lorien – the way you get all flustered at the mention of relationships and stuff," Wilford began, but then seeing his friend's serious face, "Hey, you know I'm joking right? It's okay if you are not interested in starting a relationship or if you're secretly interested in someone but want to keep it to yourself for now," he said, watching his friend blush furiously. "Don't tell me! I hit the nail right on the head, right? There is someone -"

"No, no, no, absolutely not," a blushing Lorien adamantly replied, shaking his head. "If there was, I would tell you, I think. Anyway, if you're so interested in making a foursome, why don't you ask Melia and Ty to join you?"

"Oh, didn't you know? Ty asked Melia out but she sort of refused politely, suggesting they hang out together in the group for now. Said something on the lines of wanting to know him better before taking it any further, you know?"

Lorien was definitely surprised at this.

"I had no idea. She seemed to like the guy and it is quite obvious he is attracted to her."

"I know right? And according to Auryn he did not take it well. He even bluntly asked Melia if there was someone else and also mentioned you."

"What? Erm, okay... and I thought things could not get any more awkward," Lorien frowned. "There is nothing – absolutely nothing – between Melia and me, and there won't be. Should – should I talk to her?"

"I don't know man, it was her choice, so if she feels she wants to get to know the guy more before going out on a date, I think he should accept that."

"Hmm" Lorien thought, "I guess you're right."

The two friends fell silent after that. Still, Lorien could not help but wonder how come Melia had not spoken to him about Ty. Was he so selfish that he did not show any interest or concern for his friends? Did he come across as uncaring? He thought about that day when Melia had revealed that she was there to protect him on his grandmother's request. Would this interfere with her own life?

"Hey, Lorien you spaced out man. The bell has gone off. We've got to get to class."

"Right, off we go." Lorien pushed himself off the ground and both young men made their way inside. 

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