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The next afternoon found Lorien and Koray together in the woods across town, opting to spend some time together in a quiet place before Koray had to go back for the official opening of his exhibition. They had driven in Koray's car, listening to classical music on the way. Once they arrived, Koray left the car out on the road and, holding hands, they had taken the footpath and walked along until they found a secluded spot where they could sit and talk. Koray currently sat with his back against a tree with Lorien lying on the grass, with his head in Koray's lap. Both had their eyes closed and Koray was softly raking his long fingers through the other's raven locks.

"Lorien," he whispered.


"Tell me about yourself."

"Erm... where do I start? I'm 21 years old and I love painting, reading and listening to music. My favourite medium to use in my works is acrylic... Erm, what else?"

"What about your family? Do you have any siblings?"

"No, my parents died when I was still a baby so I don't even remember anything about them," Lorien's voice softened. "My grandmother is my only blood relation - I owe everything I am, and all I know and have to her."

"In that case, I owe her a lot too," Koray said, causing Lorien to smile. "If you don't mind my asking, how did your parents die?"

"They died in a train crash."

"Not the tragedy of 1998?"

"Yes, that's the one. It was the biggest national tragedy at the time."

"I'm so sorry, Lorien for bringing this up."

Lorien shrugged. "I only have photos of them, so I cannot say I miss them, you know? I don't mean to sound callous but I have no idea what it feels like to have a mother and a father... so I guess I cannot miss something I never had."

Koray was still stroking his hair, a gesture that Lorien found extremely soothing.

"Drey has always been like a brother to me, and when I met Zana, Lev and Teo, our little group was complete. We have been through a lot together – good and bad - but we always have each other's backs. I trust them and I know that they trust me too. I believe trust is very important in any relationship.

"I agree," Koray nodded. "If there is something I cannot stand, then it has to be lying." Silence fell for a few seconds then Lorien asked,

"So, what about you? I know Auryn is your sister, but what about your parents and family?"

"Yeah Auryn is my baby sister," he chuckled, "although she'd kill me if I called her that to her face. She's three years younger but we are very close and I still want to protect her, you know?" He paused, almost embarrassed to go on. After a deep breath, he continued,

"My parents both come from money. My mother's side of the family are all silk merchants. My father and his two brothers are bankers. I also have an older brother... he is twenty-five and he is currently studying in America. When I go over, I usually stay with him."

"How did you start sculpting? How did you get into it? I mean, I've seen your work and it's amazing, you know, for someone so young."

"When you come from a family like mine, you do not have time to play around, not even as a child. Okay, having money helps but it can be a curse sometimes. I was not allowed to be friends with who I wanted and could only go to parties of people my parents approved of. Ty and Rylan are my closest friends but it was our parents who actually pushed us together, so to speak.

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