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Lorien opened his eyes and felt a dull pain throbbing across his forehead. So much for not drinking any alcohol last night, he thought. He had barely got an hour of sleep after he finished the drawing. He slowly got out of bed to start getting ready. Today, being his 21st birthday, there would be a special gathering in the village square, where he would be recognised as an adult by the elders of the village. This was the only time when there was some sort of celebrating, apart from weddings and welcoming a new-born into the community. He was the youngest in his group of friends so all the others had already gone through the embarrassment of being paraded through the streets and hugged by all the elders. He groaned at the thought.

"Lorien, your friends are here," his grandmother was in the doorway. He had been so engrossed in his thoughts that he had not heard them arrive. It was also a tradition that one's best friends came around to help get them ready. It would be bad luck for someone to prepare for the ceremony alone.

"Let them in Grandmama, please." She moved out of the way and Drey, Lev and Teo walked into the room.

"Thank you, Ma Narcissa," Drey bowed deeply as did the other two.

"I will see you in the Square, Lorien. Do not be late," his grandmother said, leaving the house shortly after.

"So, are you excited?" Lev asked as he helped Lorien put on his tie.

"Terrified would be more accurate. You know how much I hate people looking at me."

"Who's this?" Teo held up the portrait that Lorien had finished just a few hours earlier.

"Oh, nobody in particular. Just a rough drawing to add to my portfolio," Lorien shrugged looking away.

"For it being a rough drawing, it sure is detailed," Teo said again, placing it back on the chair by the window. Lorien once again felt a shiver run down his spine.

"You okay?" Drey asked. He could not help but notice that his best friend looked more tired than usual.

"Fine, just nervous is all. I can't wait for this to be over."

"Right, so we will move along and will see you guys there, Lev said as he followed Teo out.

Once they were alone in the house, Lorien took a deep breath and looked at his friend.

"I saw that boy in the dream last night. He looked back at me through the mirror." Drey nodded for Lorien to continue, since he knew, or rather felt, that there was more.

"I also heard a voice, a... a... whisper... someone calling my name. Calling me to go to them..."

"That's interesting," Drey said. "Was it that guy?"

"I don't know. I don't think so... I mean, his lips were not moving. And the whispers were so faint, I couldn't tell if it was male or female, if it was a child or someone older." He huffed. "Shall we go? I so want this stupid ceremony to end."

"Don't let the elders hear you call this tradition stupid!" Drey chuckled as he walked out into the sunlight.

Half an hour later, after being paraded around the streets in an open carriage, Lorien was now standing in the middle of the Square surrounded by all the villagers. In front of him stood the elders – the women dressed in their Sunday best, while the men had on their best suits. His grandmother, being one of the elders, stood proud at the end of the line, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. Drey stood on his right side waiting for the signal to speak. As soon as the Mayor nodded, Drey cleared this throat and said,

"On behalf of my friend, Lorien Sol, I humbly ask my esteemed Elders to recognise him as an adult within our community."

"Has he reached his 21st birthday?" the Mayor asked, as was custom.

"Yes, he has," Drey replied, voice clear.

"Then, on behalf of all the Elders of our village, I welcome you into the adult community. Lorien Sol, may you prosper and enjoy a life full of good health and happiness."

With these words, Lorien stepped forward and the Mayor placed a crown of sweetly scented flowers on his head. There was a lot of clapping and cheering and soon, much to Lorien's relief, it was all over. As the crowds began to disperse and Lorien's friends came closer to him, he looked around trying to find his grandmother.

He saw her at the end of the street talking animatedly to another woman he had never seen before. He was not sure, but his grandmother seemed rather agitated as the other woman handed her what looked like a small box, and walked away. 

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