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Lorien stiffened at these words as his grasp on Koray's hand tightened. He hadn't realised he was holding it until then. At the same moment, he felt a soft squeeze on his right shoulder where Drey was seated.

"The stroke was a massive one, Mr Sol and it has done significant damage to your grandmother's brain."

"How significant?" This came from Drey.

"85 to 90% of the brain function has been lost." At these words, Lorien gave an anguished cry as he buried his face in his hands, feeling Koray's arms go around his shoulders.

"So what does that mean exactly? What happens now?" Drey asked again. The doctor cleared his throat.

"We will be taking Mrs Sol off life support and will let her take her time to go to sleep peacefully." The specialist was doing his best to make it all sound gentle, yet there was no consoling Lorien.

"How - h-how do you expect me to just go and switch off her machine? Coz that is what you're telling me right?" His eyes were red and swollen, yet he sounded almost angry.

"Mr Sol, that decision is not yours but mine," the doctor said, still gentle and composed. "I am the one responsible for that, and I can assure you that my decision is well informed after studying the MRI results very carefully."

"Dr Ben, just to make sure we are clear," Koray spoke, "there is no chance that Lorien's grandmother could wake up? Isn't there any treatment or any specialised clinics we could go to?" Lorien was touched that Koray was thinking this, however his heart felt so heavy especially when he saw the doctor shake his head.

"I'm afraid not. There is absolutely no chance of Mrs Sol ever waking up. And I take full responsibility of this conclusion."

"So, what happens now?" Drey asked again.

"The nurses have been informed and will be going in to attend to Mrs Sol as soon as we are done here. They will be removing all equipment that is currently helping her to breathe but will leave the monitor showing her vitals. As time goes by, the numbers on the screen will go down as her heart beat slows."

"What if – what if she is in pain or – or if she feels she is suffocating?" Lorien cried.

"Mr Sol, I can assure you, your grandmother will not feel any pain. She is just in a deep sleep. She is not discomforted in any way. I can see that you are the one in pain at the moment and I know she would not want you to be."

"How long -" he could not continue, yet the specialist knew what he was asking.

"Considering her age, it would not be more than 24 hours for her heart to get tired, but it could take less, maybe five to eight hours. May I make a suggestion?" All the three young men looked up at this. "Go home, freshen up and have some rest and come back in three hours. Nothing will have changed by then, but if we see a drastic regress in her situation, we will call you. What do you think?"

"That sounds right Lorien, hmm?" Koray held his boyfriend close.

"If you're sure – and you will call us if anything happens?" Lorien whispered.


"Can I just go in again before – before -"

"Yes of course, you can go in together. The nurses will be heading in soon. I will also leave a signed copy of the MRI results for you at the front desk."

"Thank you, Doctor," Koray replied as the man nodded and left the room. Then Drey and Koray followed Lorien into the other room. The dark-haired boy just stood beside his grandmother's bed again searching for her hand under the covers.

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