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As soon as he heard the knock on the door, Lorien jumped off his bed to greet Koray. They shared a soft, chaste kiss then Koray looked at his boyfriend questioningly.

"Okay, what did you want to show me? I'm so curious."

"Here," Lorien handed him his grandmother's letter. "Read for yourself," he could not stop smiling widely. As Koray read, his grey eyes started to shine.

"Wow, your grandmother is such a special person, I love her already," he smiled sweetly at Lorien.

"She's the best. I can't wait for summer break to go back home," he sighed. "I miss her voice, her calm demeanour, her sound advice, and ... her cooking," he laughed. "So, I was thinking... would you... would you maybe come spend a few days with me? I really want you to meet my grandmother."

"Of course, Darling, I would love to. In fact, I can't wait, so how about we start planning? Maybe we could spend the first week with your grandmother and you could come spend the last week with me? That would give us time to spend with our family and friends in between. What do you think?"

"Sounds like a plan." Lorien suddenly turned serious. "So, erm, Koray... have you told your parents about us?"

Koray huffed. "To tell you the truth, no I haven't yet. Actually, I want to tell my brother first, he will know how to ease my father into the idea that I'm dating someone."


"Well, you see, last time during my exhibition, I sort of hinted at the fact that I'm in a relationship, yet he conveniently ignored that part of the conversation, so... But don't worry, we already have a huge supporter in Auryn and she is close to my mother, so mum will be easier to tell. Hey, here's an idea. How about I introduce you to Trystan next time I video call him?"

"I would love that," Lorien smiled shyly.

"And you know what? I feel like going out tonight. Shall we go to the pub with my sister and Wilford? Here's a thought... maybe Sen, Rylan, Ty and Melia will join us as well?"

"Sure, let me get in touch with Wilford. You'll talk to your friends?"

"Deal. Shall we meet at 9 near the fountain?"

"Okay." With a quick peck on the lips, Koray was gone.

As he was getting ready, Lorien could not help but feel happy and sad at the same time. He felt lucky to have found such a wonderful person and to have made such good friends like Wilford and Melia, yet he was also a bit edgy when he thought of the future. He knew Koray would be leaving for the States by the end of the year and he was not sure how their relationship was going to work out. Still, he was happy that his boyfriend was eager to meet his grandmother and also wanted him to meet his family. That had to mean that their relationship was important to Koray as well...

"Lorien?" Wilford's voice cut through his thoughts.


"You ready any time soon? It's almost 9."

"Yeah done."

"Let's go then. Switch off the lights, yeah?"

The two friends walked towards the fountain, talking about their plans for summer break, their challenging entries for the competition and other things. When they got to the meeting place, Rylan was the only one there.

"Hey there man," Wilford greeted the quiet guy. "Ready for a crazy night out?"

The freckled boy smiled," Sure, I'm the life of the party, am I not?"

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