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A few days have passed since Lorien had escaped to the roof only to be rescued a couple of hours later by his friends. Wilford had not asked for an explanation nor did he offer one. Truth was, Lorien himself did not know what to say. How could he explain that someone he had seen in a dream walked casually into the school canteen only to drop dead the minute he looked at him? How could he put into words the feeling of an ice-cold grip clutching his heart, making it almost stop beating?

Wilford seemed to sense his discomfort and respected his choice of not talking about that day. Melia, who began spending more time with them after that day, also kept quiet, choosing instead to get to know the two young men better. She even joined them a couple of times in the garden, by the fountain. They still had to convince her to go to the library with them though. That was one place she avoided like the plague.

So, it was now early evening and the three friends were strolling around the vast gardens, trying to find a spot to sit and maybe sketch. Well, the boys would sketch; Melia had her camera and would stop from time to time to capture images she found interesting around her. She also snapped a few shots of Lorien and Wilford when they were not looking, catching them unawares, lost in thought. She noted their particular mannerisms – Wilford would frown or lift his eyebrows; Lorien would pout adorably.

"So boys, the girls are having a party in our common room this Saturday. Wanna come? We are allowed to bring male friends, but no alcohol."

"We would love to," Wilford immediately jumped in. "What time is it?"

"At 8. There will be music and food and some games too. So... Lorien, are you in?"

"Erm, I don't know. I'm not all into partying and stuff..."

"Hey Lorien, I won't go if you won't come with."

"Wow you guys, you're leaving a girl all alone at a party?" Melia whined.

Lorien smiled at this, "First of all, you are so outgoing, I hardly think you'll be alone. Second, Wilford what makes you think it's fair to pressure me like that?"

"No pressure man," the other said, his hands out in front of him, palms out. "But I won't go alone, that's for sure. Plus, I think it would be good to mingle with the other students."

"I'll think about it okay? I'm not promising anything, but I'll think about it." Lorien smiled widely when he heard Melia squeal a 'yay' and Wilford patted him happily on the back.


Saturday was finally here and, after much coaxing (from Melia) and persuading (from Wilford – which Lorien insisted was pressuring), the dark-haired boy found himself preparing for a party. He had to admit he was excited since he had no idea what this evening would bring. He had texted Drey in the morning asking if they could video call earlier and his friend was delighted to learn that Lorien would be attending a party. So at 7:30pm, Lorien was seated in front of his laptop, hearing the familiar tone while connecting to his friends. And sure enough, four smiling faces soon filled his screen, pushing against each other for space, trying to get a word in all at once.

"Hey guys," Lorien gave them his signature beaming smile.

"Wow, wow, wow there Lorien, looking good," Teo shouted, while Lev gave a loud whistle.

"Dorks," Lorien smiled again. "hey Zana, Drey, no hello?" he pouted.

"If these idiots would let me put a word in," Zana huffed. "But they're not wrong, you know. You look good, more than good, you look great. So," she flicked her eyelashes innocently, "did we dress up for anyone in particular?"

Lorien laughed loudly at that. "No, not at all. You know I would tell you guys if anyone caught my eye. But no," he shrugged.

"You look happy Lorien. I'm so relieved to see you smile," Drey said. "Glad to see you're doing well."

"Thanks. How is Grandmama?"

"As formidable as ever," Zana replied, smiling fondly. "She is teaching me how to do odd jobs around the house, like fixing things and stuff. She showed Drey how to iron his shirt," she giggled.

Lorien chucked merrily at that. "And how did it go?"

"I didn't burn the house down, in case that's what you're thinking," Drey all but growled.

They were all laughing at that, when Wilford walked in with two flowers in his hand – a calla lily and a sunflower.

"Hey guys, you remember Wilford, right?" Lorien motioned to his friend. "Wilford come say hi."

"Hey there, Wilford, good to see you again."

"Take care of Lorien for us." Wilford smiled shyly and nodded.

"So, erm, guys, I gotta go. Tell Grandmama I love her and will write to her tomorrow." His grandmother still believed in handwritten letters and she wrote one to Lorien weekly without fail. He did not find it in his heart to disappoint her, so he always found the time to write back.

"Love you guys. Will text soon."

"Take care of yourself, Lorien." This was from Drey before they cut the connection.

"You've got great friends," Wilford told him as they left the room.

"Yes I do," Lorien smiled. Though he missed them, they still made him happy. 

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