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Weeks passed by and soon it was time for Lorien to move to the city to begin his course in advanced art. He had started packing from days before and also made sure to spend as much time as he could with his friends. On his last night, he met them again at the pub, only this time the atmosphere was more sombre and he was met with four serious faces.

"Okay, I'm seriously thinking of going back home and unpacking. I don't want to leave," he said miserably.

"No, Lorien, come on, this is what you wanted. Don't mind us, we are being grouchy and sad because we will miss you, but we are happy for you," Lev said.

"And you will come back home for the holidays, right?" Zana asked.

"Of course, nothing will keep me away from you guys. This is home," Lorien was trying to hold back his tears.

"You will be so busy that time will practically fly by and we will all be together again real soon," Teo added.

"Plus, I'll keep in touch. I'll text you guys and we can video call during weekends, yeah? Shall we do that?" Lorien looked around, noticing that Drey hadn't said a word. Zana nudged her boyfriend not so subtly, and the boy seemed to come to his senses.

"Yes, sure let's. And if there's a long weekend or something, Zana and I can come for a short visit?"

"I would love that," Lorien smiled at his best friend.

Later, when they were saying their goodbyes, Lorien pulled Drey to the side.

"Drey, I have a favour to ask," he said shyly.

"Sure man, anything."

"Keep an eye on my grandmother for me, please?"

"Of course, that is not a problem. You know I love your grandmother like my own. Zana was telling me the other day that she intends to visit her as well."

"Thank you so much, Drey. I couldn't wish for a better best friend than you." Tears were now spilling down Lorien's face.

"Hey man, come here." And Lorien was engulfed in one of Drey's gruff yet tender hugs. "You're the best Lorien. I'm gonna miss you," Drey whispered hoarsely in his ear.

The next morning, Lorien woke up early, feeling both dread and excitement course through him. His two suitcases were ready by the door as was his art bag – an expensive leather case that his grandmother gifted him on his 21st birthday a few weeks earlier. He took a deep breath before giving one last glance around the room.


"Is it time Grandmama?"

"Soon, but we still have a few minutes. May I talk to you please?"

"Yes, of course," Lorien sat on the bed, motioning for his grandmother to come in and sit near him.

"Lorien, I know what I have to say will sound strange, but please listen to the ramblings of an old woman," she began after taking a deep breath. Lorien nodded, knowing better than to interrupt.

"Lorien, I promised your father that I would protect you, but since you are going far away from me, I need to tell you something important."

Lorien frowned at this but still kept dutifully silent. His grandmother was the person he was closest to in the whole world and he loved her more than anything.

"You are a Child of the Sun, Lorien. Promise me you will never let anyone put out the fire that is within you. That fire is who you are, treat it with respect and use it well. But do not let anyone extinguish your flame. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Grandmama," Lorien said, although he was more than confused. His grandmother had never spoken to him this way. Child of the Sun? What did that even mean? If anything, he had always been fascinated by the moon more than the sun. As if sensing his discomfort, his grandmother continued.

"This may not make much sense to you now Lorien, but a time will come when you will understand the fire that is within you. Remember to treat it with respect and let no one extinguish it. That fire is your life, Lorien."

With these words, his grandmother took out a pendant from her pocket and said,

"Lorien, this pendant will protect you when I am not there. Do not take it off, especially when you need to go out. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Grandmama. But protect me from what? From whom?"

"You will know when the time is right, Lorien. Now give me a hug as it is time for you to go."

Lorien was still bewildered as he waved goodbye to his friends at the station. He was still bewildered as he looked out of the train window, watching the scenery rush by. He was still bewildered as his grandmother's words echoed in his ears and the pendant lay on his chest underneath his shirt. 

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