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Lorien did not think he would have to set foot in a hospital so soon, but here he was hurrying through the corridors to reach Intensive Care. As soon as they saw their friends, his hand tightened its grip on Koray's. On the way, the silver-haired boy had briefed him on what had happened between him and Rylan the day before.

"He's in a medically-induced coma. He flat-lined twice on their way here. They need to assess his injuries but he has internal bleeding, a collapsed lung and his right leg is shattered in four different places. It will be a miracle if he walks again." Ty's eyes glistened. Koray said nothing.

"Can I go in and see him?" Lorien asked. Koray turned to him, puzzled at first, but then he realised what Lorien would try to do. He looked straight into his boyfriend's hazel eyes.

I won't be able to fix everything but I will make sure he's still with us.

You're an angel, Lorien. I don't deserve you.

Nonsense, I want him to wake up so you two can be friends again.

That's not going to be possible.

Lorien glared at him and walked into the room. His heart broke when he saw so many tubes and pipes attached to Rylan. He was overwhelmed with sadness. He took a deep breath and placed his hand on Rylan's chest. The warm tingling reached his fingertips and he whispered to his friend.

I need you to fight with me, Rylan.

I'm tired of fighting. You should have left me to die.

No, don't think that. You have to fight. Come on, fight with me.

I deserve to die.

You deserve to live. You get to have a second chance. Please do it.

Lorien felt the tingling warmth pass once more through his fingers. Rylan's breathing was regular and it seemed like he was sleeping rather than comatose.

Thank you, Rylan.

Lorien left the room.


"So I finally get to be properly introduced to the talented Koray Lun."

"The pleasure is all mine, Madam." Koray gracefully took the woman's hand and kissed it.

"Oh! A gentleman! I didn't think there were any of those left. But I would not expect less considering who you are."

"Who I am?"

"Well, for one, you are Lorien Sol's boyfriend, are you not? And the Head of the Sun Clan has always had refined taste in music, in art and in partners too, I see." Arlinda's eyes twinkled as she looked at both boys.

"Well in that I can agree with you," Koray smiled at her, earning a small shove from an embarrassed Lorien seated next to him. All three were enjoying some shade and a cool breeze in Lorien's garden, having tea.

"But, considering you are the Moonchild, you cannot be anything less than, how shall I put it, classy."

"Madam, I was hoping you could shed some light on this Moonchild thing... I have no idea what this means."

"Well, let me start from the beginning. There are three main clans, the Clan of the Sun, the Clan of Spells and the Clan of Water. Now, there is a myth that there exist two books, the Book of Light and the Book of Darkness. Are you with me so far?"

Both boys nodded.

"The only similarity in both books is the prophecy that mentions the arrival of the Moonchild. It is found on exactly the same page in both books. It states that the Child would have the Mark of the Moon, would be born in the first hour of the first day of the ninth month and that the Child would have silver hair.

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