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It was Friday morning and Lorien was getting ready to meet his friends at the station. Wilford had offered to accompany him and Lorien had accepted gratefully. Once ready, Wilford sent a quick text to Auryn and they were on their way.

On reaching the station, both boys went to check the train's arrival time and then headed to the platform to wait.

"Excited?" Wilford asked his friend.

"Yeah, more than I thought I would be, to be honest," Lorien smiled. "I have known these guys since we were kids and they're so fun to be around. I miss them, even though I can't complain about the new friendships I made at school," Lorien nudged his friend playfully. "By the way, I was planning to take my friends out to the diner tomorrow after the exhibition and I was wondering if you would like to come along, with Auryn of course. Melia said she'll come with."

"Sure, would love to. Let me just confirm with Auryn," Wilford took out his phone to text his girlfriend. "We did not have anything planned, but just in case."

"That would be great, so I'll be able to book us a table."

It was then that the train drew into the station and Lorien stood up, eagerly looking at each person hoping to spot his friends before they could see him. And sure enough, soon his three friends appeared at the train's exit, carrying light luggage. Lorien's face lit up as he started walking briskly towards them.

"Drey!" he called happily.

"Oh my God it's Lorien – there he is!" Zana let go of Drey's hand and rushed into Lorien's open arms. "Oh God Lorien, we miss you so much," she screeched with tears in her eyes. "Are you ok? Have you lost weight?" she frowned.

"Let the man breathe Zana, we just got here," Lev chuckled from behind her. "Hey man," he hugged Lorien briefly, as soon as Zana let him out of her grasp.

"Hey Lev, how you doing?" then turning to his best friend, "So glad to see you Drey. How was the journey?"

Drey smiled widely, grabbing Lorien and pulling him into his signature bear hug. "Fine, no problems, got here on time in fact," he smiled.

"Hey guys, this is my friend Wilford," Lorien stepped aside and pulled his friend closer to introduce him.

"Hi," Wilford waved shyly. "Glad to meet you in person," he smiled. "I've heard so much about you lot, I hope you'll have time to tell me some embarrassing stories about this goofball here." He looked at Lorien fondly.

"Ha! I'm sure I have a couple of episodes worth mentioning," Lev grinned as he shook his hand.

"I'll have you know, I have always been an exemplary boy, someone to set a good example," Lorien answered back.

"Sure, sure," they all laughed as they made their way out of the station. Lorien and Wilford decided to accompany their friends to the hostel where they were staying over the weekend. After helping their friends settle in, Wilford left to meet Auryn at the city centre, while Lorien stayed to spend more time with his friends.

"So, how is Grandmama?" he asked, as soon as Wilford was out the door.

"You know your grandmother is a very alert, sharp woman Lorien. She knows you have not been telling any of us everything. So what's up?" Zana asked. Lorien could not help but blush furiously at this.

"Nothing really. I'm fine -"

"Come on Lorien, we've known each other for ages. We can tell something is wrong. And Zana was not wrong, you have lost weight," Drey said, concern showing in his eyes.

Lorien took a deep breath. "I have not been 100% well, that's all. I caught a cold, and its symptoms have not left me completely. That's all. Plus I was a bit homesick too, but honestly guys it's no big deal." He looked at each of his three friends, doing his best to look relaxed, even though deep down he hated that he was hiding things from them.

"Come on you guys, let's make the most of your time here. I don't want to see any sulking faces. Please?" he smiled brightly. "How about we go out and I'll show you around the city?"

The rest of the day flew by and soon it was time for Lorien to return to his dorm, after making arrangements for his friends to be at the school the following day at 5pm.


The next day, both Lorien and Melia were in the exhibition hall, together with all the other participants, eagerly waiting for visitors to start streaming in. Since they were not far from each other, they gave each other warm smiles. Lorien also noticed Melia wave briefly at Auryn, who was a bit further away, next to her sculptures. This set Lorien thinking – did Koray have any sculptures of his own in this exhibition? Was he here?

Just at that moment, the first visitors walked through the door, so Lorien put on a smile, straightened his jacket and prepared himself for meeting art enthusiasts who would be asking him about his work. Shortly after, he spotted Wilford approaching him together with his friends.

"Hey guys, glad you're here," he grinned at them.

"Wilford met us at the door," Zana said smiling.

"Well I'll see you guys later." Wilford left them, stopping briefly next to Melia before proceeding to join Auryn at her area.

"So, what do you think?" Lorien asked his friends a little nervously while stepping aside to let them see his works.

"Wow Lorien, that portrait of Ma Narcissa is so lifelike. Good job man," Lev praised.

"I love that forest picture," Zana said stepping forward to look at the acrylic piece.

"My friend Melia also says that's her favourite." Lorien smiled. "She's over there, the girl in the green blouse and black trousers," he explained. "She'll also be joining us later, but it would be nice if you could -"

"Well, well, well," a familiar voice cut him off from behind them. "If it isn't the peasant boy." 

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