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The next morning, most of the students were busy packing and making plans for summer break. Those who had submitted their entries for the competition were allowed to leave since no further classes were given. Students could still make use of the facilities however, such as the library, music and art rooms and the studios.

Koray and Auryn were both in the largest studio where their sculptures were held. Auryn was covering all her works and cataloguing her works-in-progress. She also needed to clean and pack all her tools. Koray was working on a piece he had just started. He had spent most of his time here and had progressed considerably. The siblings had barely spoken, yet Auryn kept eyeing her brother discreetly from time to time. She felt a pang in her heart as she saw the expression he had now. Lost in his work, Koray dropped the icy, steely façade and looked nothing if not hurt. She could see it in his eyes, which had not lost their dark grey colour, but had softened as he frowned or bit his lip from time to time, lost in concentration.

"Our train leaves at 9 the day after tomorrow," Auryn finally broke the silence. "Do you want help with packing? You know, seeing as you have not even started yet?"

"I'm not coming with you guys. I'm staying an extra week. Already got permission from the principal."

"And you were going to tell me when?"

"I'm telling you now, aren't I?"

"Do Papa and Mama know?"

"Like they care," Koray muttered. "No, they don't. I was hoping you would pass on the message for me."

"What? Papa will be so angry, Koray. We had plans and you know how angry he gets when you just ignore him."

"You had plans Auryn – you. No one bothered asking me what I want to do. And anyway, I'm sure he'll be pleased to know I'll be working hard for my exhibitions in the States. I'll only be missing out on the first week and you'll all be busy showing Wilford around and getting the poor guy to meet the whole family, friends, business associates et cetera, et cetera." Koray stopped to dust off extra particles that had settled on the piece of marble that he was working on.

"Do you miss him?" To which Koray drew a sharp intake of breath but continued dusting.


"Auryn stop. You're treading on dangerous ground here. I told you all that I don't want to talk about this."

"But we used to tell each other everything Koray, remember? I only want to help. I'm afraid you just acted impulsively like you always do and might have thrown your happiness away."

"Are you done? Coz if you are, please leave. Or else I will."

"I just want you to be happy and you clearly aren't."

"I am happy and will be even happier once I set foot in the States again. I wish I never come back. Now please go." He watched as his sister gave him a look before leaving, slamming the door behind her. Koray took a deep breath and tried to continue working but his sister's question had taken him off guard.

Do you miss him? played on and on in his mind. Truth be told, Koray had not stopped thinking about the raven-haired boy who had stolen his heart. He missed him terribly but he had said those horrible words, which he did not mean. And now he could not take them back. And he was still hurting from how Lorien betrayed him. How had he obtained access to the studio? How was it possible that he had the audacity to copy his work and present it for the competition?

He suddenly remembered the last conversation they had before he received those messages. Lorien had invited him to his room to show him pictures of the painting... What if... what if... Lorien had copied the idea without knowing that the work he was copying was actually his? That would still be cheating. And whether he knew that the work was Koray's or not, he had still gained access to his sculpture and made the concept his own. How could he? How could Lorien be so deceitful? He felt himself get angry again. He felt a sharp pain to his side and checked the gauze. Blood was seeping through again. He had to go to the clinic before it got out of hand. He covered the piece he was working on, gathered his tools and locked the door.

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