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Lorien could not go back to sleep so he got out of bed and opened the window. There was no moon, nor any stars, yet the sky was already becoming lighter, a dark blue rather than pitch black. He was confused, lost, afraid and alone. He could not understand what he had just seen. Rylan was wearing his pendant. Yet this was only a dream, right? Still, with the things he had learned the day before, he knew that his dreams had some meaning.

His mind drifted back to what Melia's aunt had told him. Koray was the Moonchild... the Moonchild... He could not help but smile as he pictured Koray with his silver hair, silver eyebrows, silver eyelashes and those amazing shining silver eyes with flecks of blue that looked just like moon beams. He pictured his features, so handsome, so out-of-this-world, quite literally, his lips, always warm and soft. Lorien touched his own lips, wishing he could remember what Koray's lips had felt like as they kissed him. Yet, the memory eluded him and he sighed.

"I love you, Koray."


I love you, Koray.

Koray stirred and opened his eyes. It was still dark outside and he sat up to stretch. Sleeping in the backseat of his car was not the most comfortable of places and he felt stiff, yet much better than he felt the night before. At least, he was pain free and the fever had gone down. He decided to grab a coffee and make an early start, hoping he could get home in time for breakfast.


Wilford was feeling a bit overwhelmed. He had gone through these past two weeks meeting family members and going to extravagant parties, and quite honestly, he could not wait to leave and go home. He really liked Auryn and he was looking forward to having her meet his family. Yet he could not help but think that her lifestyle was so different to his, that she would just get bored of him. He had hardly seen Koray, even though the boy had arrived a week earlier. Koray spent most of this time in his studio and did not even join the rest of the family for meals. The only time they spoke was when the whole family gathered together to video call the eldest son, Trystan. That was when Koray's face transformed and he looked genuinely happy. The rest of the time, he always seemed angry at everyone and everything.

There was also something else nagging at the back of Wilford's mind, yet he could not quite place it. He was trying to relax while reading a book, when his phone dinged with a text from Ty.

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