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Koray threw himself on his bed, staring at the ceiling, his grey eyes sparkling and his face decorated with a huge grin, earning a curious look from his roommate.

"Someone's in good spirits it seems. And why do I get the feeling this good mood has nothing to do with the official opening of your annual exhibition?" Ty teased, raising an eyebrow at his friend.

"God, Ty, I think I'm in love with him. I can't wait to be with him again, to hold him close. I want him to meet Trystan and my parents."

"I don't know Koray, just don't rush with this. This is not one of your pieces that you have a deadline to finish. I mean, I'm glad you're happy but still... I don't know... I don't trust him completely."

"Does this mistrust have anything to do with the fact that he is best friends with Drey?" Koray turned at his roommate with a sour look.

"I admit that does not help, but I've had this feeling even before I knew he was Drey's friend. Since that party in the girls' common room," Ty eyed his friend, who had lifted himself off the bed to start getting ready for the evening. "I can't shake off the feeling that he's hiding something."

"Well, this afternoon we talked a lot about a lot of things and I trust him. He makes me feel happy and I want this to last forever if possible. I'm off to shower." And with that, Koray hopped into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.


Lorien was feeling restless. He did not feel like going to the dorm, so he decided to walk around the school gardens. Once he got to the fountain, he threw himself on the grass and thought about his time with Koray earlier. He could not deny that he was feeling something deeper than just physical attraction for the silver-haired boy. He wanted to be with him all the time just to get lost in the grey of his eyes and melt in the warmth of his embrace. And he knew he could trust Koray. He was willing to trust him with his life – this thought should have scared him, yet it made him ecstatically happy instead. He knew that Koray cared enough for him that he would never hurt him.

He suddenly had an idea, so he ran to the dorm where he found Wilford getting ready.

"Hey Lorien, just the man I wanted to see. Can you help me choose between these?" the boy held up two shirts, one plain light blue, the other patterned in green and black.

"They're both fine Wilford, why the fuss?"

"Auryn's parents will be here for the exhibition, didn't you know?" At Lorien's surprised expression, Wilford inwardly cursed his big mouth. "Hey, never mind, erm... so, are you coming?" He cursed again when he saw his friend's expression morph into something that looked almost like pain, before Lorien bravely put on a smile, albeit forced.

"No, Koray didn't ask me to, probably since he took me around yesterday. And I think the blue shirt is better," he sighed as he sat at his desk. "I'm going to make the most of this time to write to Grandmama."

"Will you tell her about Koray?"

"Yes, I want her to know that I'm happy and that he is the main cause of my happiness." I also need to ask her advice, Lorien thought to himself.

"That's great man," Wilford put on his shirt, tidied his hair and walked to the door. "You'll be okay, right?"

"Of course I will," Lorien openly laughed. "If I'm not here when you get back, I'll probably be walking round the garden. Though chances are, I'll be sleeping by the time you get back," he winked at his friend.

"Right, I'm off then."

"Hey, Wilford?" The brown-haired boy turned to him. "You'll be fine. I know Koray's parents will like you."

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