Montgomery De La Cruz

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This whole things a mess and really short stop judging meeeee.

You slammed the door but heard it open shortly after. "Why wont you just listen to me? I need to explain" Monty said while following you. You stopped and turned around. You had been hurt before and it was happening again. At the same time he looked genuinely sorry unlike all the other guys. He was upset. "I cant. You know ive been hurt before. But at the same time i really do love you" You admitted. You faced him and left no space between you both.

"Me and you are like suicide. We shouldn't happen but i want it to" You continued. He smirked. "Were dangerous together but i agree." He replied. He leaned in for a kiss and you leaned in aswell. You put your hands around his neck and pulled him close. You shut your eyes. He pushed you against the lockers and it made you jump.

He pulled away biting your lip and leaving a red mark. You stood there in shock. "Wow" is about the only thing you could say.

A few weeks went by of this kissing and sex thing. You were addicted to him. And he was to you. It was strange. Very. And you didnt know what to do. You would see each other at school. You would talk like normal. But when people werent there you would have this different connection.

You loved the moments alone but you just wish you could run up to him at school and tell everyone that he was yours and vice versa. So you decided to talk to him....after sex of course.

He was sat at the foot of your bed putting his clothes back on. You gulped and went to open your mouth. "Mont what are we?" You asked shyly. He hesitated. "Humans?" He answered trying to be a smart ass. You sat up and gave him a 'look'.
"We fuck...and flirt...thats about it. I dont think you need much more" He admitted. You sat shocked. "What?" You questioned. He pulled on a shirt and turned to face you.

"Drunk dad...your moms gone and your brother does a hell of a load of drugs. I dont think you need a relationship...if thats what your asking. Like yeah i would always want to but i think about what you go through everyday and i dont wanna be a fucking issue" He told you. He sighed.

"Thats why i need you. Stop being a dummy. I wanna have an escape and when im with you i feel like i can do anything you know. I need you." You confessed. Now he was shocked. You sat in silence and smiled at one another. Not saying a word. But you knew what each other was thinking. You nodded and so did he.