your date spots

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Clay- the park: He took you both there when you first listened to Hannahs tapes and you both broke down crying together. You also had your first kiss there. Its truly your place
Justin- An empty field: You both love the silence and the privacy of it. You can both stay there together and nobody can be seen for miles. You can talk about whatever and not be judged. This is where justin told you about his family and opend up about Seth.
Zach- The Gym: Surprisingly you both love the Gym. You both went to the same Gym and thats how you met. He helps you with your workout and you motivate him to lift more and love his body. You both are supportive and like to get smoothies and milkshakes afterwards. Its really cute. Your Gym buddies and everyone is so confused. They dont understand why you both would like to go to the Gym together. But you do.
Alex- Monets: Casual coffee and cute little convos are you thing. You both know Monets and its your usual spot. The people thay work there know you and know your orders. You can tell eachother anything here. You have your normal table in the corner for ultimate privacy. Its simple and its close to your house and your heart if you may.
Monty- Your house: Monty isnt really into this fancey romantic stuff. He still treats you like a princess but he likes for it just be you. You still go out to Rosies but thats about as fancy as it gets. You both like it at yours. If its gets heated you can easily go to your room. He likes to talk about his problems sometimes and your house is where he knows its safe. You've only been to his once or twice. Its hell.
Jeff- The mall: you two always go to the mall. Shopping is your way to let out steam. Jeff always loves to buy you knew things and treat you like a queen. You both like trying on outfits and picking them out for eachother. You love fashion and Jeff is so kind to you. He gives you PDA and shows you that he loves you. Not only do you clothes shop together, you like to sit down and talk over coffee or over food.
Tyler- Nature: Anywhere outside where tou can take photos. Tyler always insists on photos. He has loads of you. Your like his little model. He always says you look camara ready, even if you JUST got out of bed. He thinks your the most beautiful person on earth. He can wait to get more photos of you. Sometimes you like it and sometimes it can really get under your skin. But you love him still anyways.