Justin foley (request)

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Request for @fangirlshipperr
Sorry if this took long, I've been really busy lately!
I hope you like it!
Word count is 1073
I never believed in love before I met Justin Foley. I never knew what it was to care so deeply for someone like that until I met Justin Foley.

The day I met him was the day he spread the photo around of Hannah, my sister. I had confronted him and shouted at him infront of everyone, even going so far as threatening him. I guess he liked fiesty girls because ever since that day, he barelt left me alone.

We talked everyday, wether I liked it or not. He grew on me, at first like a spot that wouldnt go away but it soon turned into real love. He was my first kiss, my first time and my first...everything. I loved him more than I could ever explain.

That's why It broke me, seeing him on life support in the hospital. His face was dark and yet still pale, unrecognisable to everyone. He was still my Justin, my baby and my world.

As I walked into the hospital room, Already crying, I looked him up and down. "Hey baby." He greeted, slowly as he had to take his time while speaking. His voice was shaky and rusky, you could tell he was sick. He wasn't getting better and I was sure this was the last time me and him would speak.

It made me break. I fell to my knees next to him and wrapped my arms around him. I was still careful with him, not putting too much weight onto his body. He stroked my hair with one hand and let me cry on him.

"I'll always love you." He kept whispering. I looked up at him and gave him a small smile. I kissed his forehead "I swear to god, I will find you in the next life." He told me, cupping my face. He scooted over on the bed and let me lay with him.

"I love you so much." I managed to say, the air inside my lungs almost failing to get there. I soaked his hospital gown with my tears that he insisted I not cry but I couldn't help it.

"I'm happy you took me here, Justin. I really enjoy being with you a lot." I told him while blushing. He smiled and it warmed my heart. His face imprinted into my mind, his smile stuck on my brain like super glue.

"I enjoy being with you too. You make the shitty stuff a home feel bareable." He admitted, looking down at our hands. The were mere millimetres away. His finger grazed mine and soon, he was holding my hand. His touch made me almost explode. I felt like if I had him by my side, I could do anything. I could conquer entire mountains and swim complete oceans with his love.

We both blushed softly, leaning into one another. Our lips touched and melted together, his hand going up to face to cup it as he kissed me. My hands hung loosely around his neck, playing with the back of his hair. I longed for that moment to stay like that forever, too keep it and save it in my memory. We pulled away and stared into eachothers eyes, smiling like complete idiots.

We were sat in my room with my head on Justin's chest while he continued to stroke hair. I found it comforting. On my TV, we had argued playfully over what movie to watch but soon settled for 'Lady And The Tramp' which Justin said described us perfectly. I wrapped my arms around his waist and snuggled into him while he kissed my forehead.
"Justin, do you believe in heaven?" I asked him, looking up at him.
"I like to think that some people go to heaven and the bad people, I guess, have to live again in another body so they can try over." He replied, slightly confused by my question i think.

"I hope I see you in heaven. I'm sorry, that was weird..." I quickly blurted out, making myself tear up again. "What makes you think I'm going to heaven?" He questioned with a small laugh. I shrugged "You taught me how to love, and what love is. That should be more than enough for you to get into heaven." I told him.

He smiled down at me and sighed happily. "It's weird, knowing that I'm about to...you know." He mumbled. "Do you think that's how Hannah felt before she died, Weird?" I asked, too upset to care about my inappropriate questions.

"I don't think she felt anything." He looked down and me and kissed my forehead for the last time. A doctor soon came into the room and told me that I had to leave. I nodded and felt my heart break again. Justin held my hands and sat up for a second. "I love you. Live your life and have a beautiful one too." He told me and I nodded.

"Do it for me, please baby." He added and I held him tight. "I'm definitely naming a dog after you or something." I joked, letting out a small laugh. "That's acceptable, just don't make it weird though." He chuckled back, coughing a small bit.

The doctor showed me out of the door and told me that he didn't have long left. That was the last time I would have been able to speak to him, to hear his voice, to see his smile, to make him laugh...to see him cry. I felt happy, knowing that his goodbye from me wasn't really a goodbye. It was more of a see-you-later kind.

Because I was going to see him again one day. Everytime I looked to the stars, I knew he was there watching me. I'd carry him in my heart and make sure that I'd have a beautiful life like he asked. Not only was life for him, it was for myself.

I got the call that he had passed about two days later. I barely said anything. I remember crying a lot. But, I knew that everything was going to be okay. He didn't die sad, he might have been scared but can't you be scared and happy at the same time?

I will always love Justin Foley. Always.