Clay Jensen (request)

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This was a request by one of my friends and she is so amazing omg. I think her @ is @LateNightWhimper . I'm not sure but she wanted a Clay Jensen Smut so im going to give her one yay.

- Alonelygirl. x

I was just walking home when i spotted my boyfriend Clay pull up near me. I walked over to say hi and he offered me a ride to my home. I agreed and got in the car. "You mind if we stop off somewhere first?" He asked me sweetly. I nodded. "Yeah, where?" I replied.

"Can we stop off at the hills? I need to ask you something" He asked me and i agreed. He seemed a bit off im im honest. We reached the hills and clay helped me out the car in true gentleman style. He shut the door and we headed to our secluded spot. It had a few trees and a little den we had built when we were about fourteen. We sat down and had a bit of silence. "What did you want to ask me?" i asked Clay, putting my hand on his thigh. He wemt bright red. "Well....uhm....we've been together for a while and i think im ready" He said. I was confused until i thought about what he said.

I wasnt a virgin and Clay was probably the only person who i knew was one. So i felt kind of weird. I nodded at him. "If your sure you're ready then i am too" I told him. He kissed me quickly, grabbing my jawline like he usually does when we kiss. "What we're doing this here?" i asked him, pulling away. He shrugged.

I shrugged back and we began kissing again. Clay started to pull his shirt off already. He was eager and i wanted to be slow with him. I picked up the pace and he layed me down. He kept smiling through the kisses aswell.

We were twenty minutes into our make out when he pulled off my shirt too. He was there staring at me in awe...i think. He looked down and i could see the reaction it gave it. Or should i say erection. We laughed and i slipped off my shorts revealing my panties.

He went down and removed them without question. He started to lick inbetween my legs and it made me bite my lip. I played with his hair as he stuck his tongue inside me. He knew what he was doing surprisingly.

I unbuckled his trousers and go to work pumping and sucking his member. He groaned and moaned at it. I saw his face go all sloppy and his eyes were all droopy.
He started to thrust into my mouth catching me off gaurd. "Im ready" He told me through moans. I nodded and hesitantly let go of him.