Montgomery de la cruz (request)

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Request for @itz_ese04
Thank you my love for requesting! This was actually fun to write so to be honest It felt like nothing! - in a good way though!
Sorry if it seemed rushed :(
I hope you like it!
Word count is 1068

I felt nothing. My clothes, bedsheets and even my skin felt wrong and misplaced. My pillow was already soaked with tears but I didn't feel like stopping anytime soon. My whole life felt stripped away, any innocence i had was gone.

I kept waking up in cold sweats from the same nightmare. 'We're having fun baby', 'we're having fun', 'shh nobody will know' and 'don't cry' kept runnng around my head. His voice was everywhere. It was like he was in the room, still suffocating me. Why me? Why me?

My room suddenly felt colder and I heard a ruffling noise outside of my window. I looked over and saw someone crawling in. I had no energy to speak up and ask who it was but I didn't need to in the end. It was Monty, my boyfriend. I had been longing for him, praying I'd see his face.

I saw his eyes meet mine and I immediately started to cry again, my body shaking. He rushed over and pulled me into his arms, kissing my forehead. "What's wrong baby? I'm here now, you're safe." He cooed, rocking me slightly.

I felt safe with him. I took a deep breath and tried to control myself. "I feel a washed up whore." I began, tears rolling out of my eyes. Monty seemed confused but didn't interrupt. "Monty...something Bryces party. Me and Bryce...he- I...He wouldn't stop. I told him to stop but he-" I tried to explain but I just couldn't say it.

Monty seemed to know straight away and I feel him tense up. "It's all my fault." I said to myself, catching Monty's attention. "This is not your fucking fault. That son of a bitch..." He trailed off, cursing inder his breath. "You're safe with me. I promise you Y/N. I love you so much." He said quietly.

I woke up the next morning still in Monty's arms. I layed there for a few long minutes, smelling his scent and feeling safe in his grasp. He soon woke up and helped me to shower, telling me I was beautiful every second.

I stayed silent through the morning, not even answering questions in class. I avoided the main corridors but when lunch rolled around, I could barely avoid anyone. I took a deep breath and met Monty outside of the lunch hall. "He's not in here, so you'll be okay. I'll stay by you." He told me, holding my hand and kissing my forehead.

I nodded and we both slowly walked into the lunch hall. I kept my eyes low but looked up at the others from my table. Justin and Jessica were sat eating their lunch, the jocks not to far away. I sat down next to Justin and Monty sat himself next to me, his hand on my thigh at all times.

"I hope you don't mind, Monty told us what happend. We're here for you Y/N." Justin finally spoke up, looking into my eyes. I would be angry with Monty but all I could feel was shame and sadness. I guess I kind of wanted them to know though, so they wouldn't have to ask what happend all the time.

"I love you guys, thank you for being here. I'm not sure what to say or do but I-" My little speech was cut off by the lunch hall doors swinging open. A loud boice could be heard and My eyes opend wide.

"Monty, Justy, Jess and Y/N! Hey guys!" Bryce chuckled, sitting himself opposite me. He smirked at me with an evil grin and I wanted to crawl out of my own body. I felt Monty tense up and Justin stayed silent. Jess looked as scared as me. "Why's everyone so fucking quiet?" Bryce asked and It was like something inside Monty physically snapped.

"Fuck you, get the fuck away from Y/N. You fucking rapist creep!" Monty shouted, catching us all off guard. I froze, my face turning red. Everyone turned to face our table, watching the scene unfold. "Monty..." I whispered, not wanting to cause any more drama.

"Monty, you feeling okay brother?" Bryce questioned in a serious tone. Monty shook his head and pushed Bryce back "I'm not your fucking brother." He stated, lunging at Bryce. I hid my face and brung my knees up to my chest. Of course I loved Monty sticking up for me but I wasn't ready for him to tell the whole world.

It was like he'd just shouted 'Y/N L/N got raped by Bryce Walker everyone!' And I hated it. Monty was ontop of Bryce, punching him as hard as he could until his own knuckles bruised. Bryce fought back but not very well, Monty was angry and nobody could win against him when he was like this.

The two boys were finally separated and Monty glared at Bryce, spitting at him. "She wanted it! She was begging me to fuck her! What does she expect when she walks around looking like a slut! Every girl at this school begs for it!" Bryce Angrily yelled, pissing Justin off too.

Justin ran up, punching Bryce in the face before getting held down himself. Bryce spat blood from his mouth as he was pulled away along with the other two boys. Me and Jess looked at eachother in the eyes, not knowing what to say. It was all so sudden and it was over in seconds.

"Can we go?" Jess asked and I nodded. As I passed the office where Monty was, he mouthed 'I love you' to me and butterflies erupted in my stomach. Me and Jess walked to the peir where we talked until the sun went down, her company was all I needed.

She told me her story and I told her mine, opening up completely to eachother. We cried and we laughed and we sat in silence. She soon drove me home and helped me get into bed, not leaving me until I fell asleep. Monty checked up on me every hour of every day, he swore to protect me.